Hotpip Forex - page 2

I am surprised by what I heard from you, in fact, there is nothing which you say is true at us, everything is fine, throw this week we got all the open positions to some extent to take profits, we just closed one position 8 pips loss, but what surprised my mach is when I take a look to our statement at RAS, where most of our wining positions that hit take profit with not less than 20 pips profit are there in RAS records Zero!!, so thanks for your alert we have to contact RAS soon to fix the problem, because during this week we won 1,324 pips so far, but also we have about 15 open position waiting to hit take profit next week, please you also try deal the problem at you with your broker and RAS and let us know what result you got, we must fix problem, and remember the problem is not with our trading, our trading is going fine and you can see our statement at MT Intelligence - Statemant for Hotpip System by clicking the link above.

I think also,

that's a problem with RAS but all the tades are closed with a loss on the Realaccounts and only in the RAS-Sats opened again one minute later.

You've to warn RAS that they've to take care on their EA or Servers because this fault has caused a loss of 1000 Pips

It seems that RAS has a lot of problems to solve.

Your system and trading style seems to be ok,

and brings with a good money management a lot of pips an money to your subscribers.

By the way, your Mt4i.stats are not up to date (2010 March 19, 12:29),

perhaps you' ve to restart your MT4-station.


I am trying to contact RAS soon>>

I am so sorry to hear that our subscribers don't benefit from our system of trading as we did, thus because of technical problem with RAS EA, we always do our efforts to make our subscribers benefit from our system like us, it's do sad to see we are wining more than 1,324 pips this week while our subscribers loss about 1,000pips..

I want to inform you that we contact RAS soon to deal with them the problem and fix it soon because it's not kids game, it's trading and there is some one like you losing money behind this problem, we hope this not repeat again, and also we request from our subscriber to contact as soon when they say any problem like this, before he loss so many pips, we are there to accumulate pips, not to loss..

About our statement on MT Intelligence is up to date, we check it now, you can see by clicking the link we provide you above...


Admin and Vendor....this is very important to report back what the problem is....was there some error during the vendors relocation from Iraq to USA?....was everything configured correctly?

Actually a move as large as this was anticipated and the signal should not have been offered to the public until the move was completed and the vendor was settled in...



Our trading system is linked to our brain!

Thanks for your thread, but I want to add that, before our trip there was some open positions we have waiting to hit take profit and during trip we did not offer any signals to our subscribers, but only we concentrated our thoughts about our remaining open trades, but we think only the problem was with our own account because we got margin call and all our positions was closed by broker, where we some times over size our lot, and for such rare big market movement like that happened we add more money to account to prevent margin call as we are sure the price will return back to hit take profit, thus our subscribers those managed their account correctly I am sure they didn't loss anything but they won so many pips because the market prize soon returned to hit take profit we set, the events like this is very rarely happen, so that we don't put that in our accounts for money management purpose to let our subscribers make more money with small money they deposit to their account, nobody can prevent his/her account from margin call but only you can decrease the risk of getting margin call and this depend on how money you have as capital and how money you want to make, where the money you make for a certain time in forex is Inversely proportional to margin call risk, but the more successful way is to make your system work with very low margin call risk and then controlling how money you want to make for a certain time by your capital, where as your capital is big, the money you make for a certain time will be big for the same margin call risk you set, I hope the idea had reached.


I have a lot of trouble with this portion of your statement in the black italics below (I have made some comments in red)...

Thanks for your thread, but I want to add that, before our trip there was some open positions we have waiting to hit take profit and during trip we did not offer any signals to our subscribers, but only we concentrated our thoughts about our remaining open trades, but we think only the problem was with our own account because we got margin call and all our positions was closed by broker,

So indeed this has nothing to do with RAS

where we some times over size our lot, and for such rare big market movement like that happened we add more money to account to prevent margin call as we are sure the price will return back to hit take profit,

there are never any guaranty's or sure things in Forex Trading

thus our subscribers those managed their account correctly

Your subscribers are PAYING YOU to manage their account!

the events like this is very rarely happen, so that we don't put that in our accounts for money management purpose to let our subscribers make more money with small money they deposit to their account,

This does not make any sense at say that your clients should manage their accounts correctly, but you do not...have I misunderstood?


There so many things you don't understood!!

I also have my right to answer your coments in green:

Thanks for your thread, but I want to add that, before our trip there was some open positions we have waiting to hit take profit and during trip we did not offer any signals to our subscribers, but only we concentrated our thoughts about our remaining open trades, but we think only the problem was with our own account because we got margin call and all our positions was closed by broker,

So indeed this has nothing to do with RAS

If you are talking about the complaint that we afford to RAS because one of our subscriber (Rippes) had lost 1,000 pips, I want to add that, our subscriber (Rippes) had complaint about the wrong signals that he received from RAS and made him to loss 1,000pips last week while you can see our statement of trading for the last week, we just loss 8 pips and we won about 1,400pips net. so why our subscriber (Rippes) lose 1,000pips, I think you have to answer this!!

where we some times over size our lot, and for such rare big market movement like that happened we add more money to account to prevent margin call as we are sure the price will return back to hit take profit,

there are never any guaranty's or sure things in Forex Trading

Objection, yes there is guaranty some times, for example GBP/JPY price will never become 50 because this may happen If the United Kingdom erased from the earth, I told this just for example and its not condition that will happen exactly at price I showed, but Summary there is price it's forbidden for GBP/JPY to reach.

thus our subscribers those managed their account correctly

Your subscribers are PAYING YOU to manage their account!

I agree with you, but it seems you don't understood what my phrase meant, this phrase means the subscribers those looked to our website and setup their EA correctly as we illustrated in our website, as you know our subscribers account are not under our control to manage it but we offer them how to make correct setup to their EA to be their account managed correctly.

the events like this is very rarely happen, so that we don't put that in our accounts for money management purpose to let our subscribers make more money with small money they deposit to their account,

This does not make any sense at say that your clients should manage their accounts correctly, but you do not...have I misunderstood?(Surely No, after you read my replay..)

I will split this to two answers:

you say that your clients should manage their accounts correctly

I don't want to answer again, I answered above.

but you do not

When I over size my lot this never mean I don't manage my account correctly, and you can see our statement of trading that so many time we over sized lot and all are successful and I made huge profit and this must happen, because successful trader will not over size his lot to loss, there is so many opportunities in forex that most successful trader always exploit it, not only by over sizing there lot but also by using up to 1:400 leverage features some times.


The problem happened again last night


here is the answer from RAS about the closed positions last week,

this happened again last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are talking about this?

It is vendor's problem.

It is well-known vendor's error namely

"closing the trades without closing price".

It is because vendor closed Metatrader for many hours, or he changed his Metatrader's account, and so on.

This error was evaluated some time ago for many months.

If vendor is having this error so the only one suggestion can be made: he should go to RAS support and create the ticket in General/Technical department (they will ask for his settings, RAS log files and so on).

Yes i'm talking about that,

and it happened again last night

But why are the positions directly reopened only in the RAS-Stats???

And how can we solve this problem??

I'll contact the seller and give him your answer,

perhaps he doesn't know, that he can't close the station for a longer time.

So now, we know the problem.

How can we avoid this???

And by the way can you please update your stats,

it seems that you've problems with yout MT4-Station or your server.

If you can solve this problem with your connection,

you'll be a good RAS-Seller but if not i'll unsubscribe,

because last night was a loss of more than 500 pips


We are doing efforts to fix this problem!

We are so sorry to hear this again from you, that you loss 500 pips from wrong signals that you got from RAS EA that directed by us but we are winning at the same time exactly about 500 pips, but I want inform you that all the closed trades with 0 profit in our RAS history does not exist in our MT4 history and this is enough to proof its not from our system of trading, it is from technical problems between our system and RAS server, but the important thing is, we have to fix this problem soon and make our subscribers benefit from their subscribing to our signals.

what we do after receiving your complaint??

We soon leave a ticket to RAS Supporting section and the following is the exactly what we said,

Dear reader:

For the second time, I received a complaint from our subscribers that they get so many loss signals from RAS EA that directed by us, while we have nothing like this in our history of trading of our MT4, and when we take a look to our status of trading on RAS records we see there is so many trades are closed with 0 profit which is not mirrored to our MT4 account history where we never have closed trade with 0 profit in our history of trading on MT4, please help us to fix the problem, because our subscribers loss while we are winning in our own account, and the following link bring you to our subscriber thread that I got on Forum,

Looking forward to your kind replay.

Best Regards

Hotpip Forex Team

So we hope they could help us soon to fix this problem for us to be able to cover your loss and at the end of this month your profit have exceeded more the monthly fee you pay, we are here to make our subscribers benefit from our signals like us.

Also We hope all our subscribers to add our yahoo e-mail to their yahoo messenger to be instantly in contact with us for any assistance they need and our e-mail is (, please when you add our e-mail to your yahoo messenger put in a brief introduction (RAS) for us to recognize you are our subscriber at RAS

About our statement for history on MT Intelligence - Statemant for Hotpip System please be informed that, this is a free service and they sometimes don't update our history of trading for a very log time while we are setting our MT4 to send them our status of trading each 5min and we always test it on our MT4 platform and its ok the data is sending each 5min.


Did you read the posting above, from newdigital?

It seems, if your MT4-Station is closed for a few hours,

the RAS-EA closes positions, did you close your station last night for a few hours???


Not for the first time we close our station!!

Yes we every day close our station (MT4) between 0:00GMT-8:00GMT, as long as all our open positions have take profit level and it will close automatically by your broker when it hit take profit, but we will leave our MT4 online 24 hours a day during this week and please inform us what is new, either the problem is fixed or not. I hope this fix a problem.

Please if you can give us at which time exactly you got wrong signals in GMT, this may help us to recognize the problem.