Who is the Best Trader? - page 2


BIG QUOTES and babbling nonsense

Hey thats him, Captain Forex. Musn't make fun of the intellectually handicapped but I worry that some naive readers might be spinning off into the void. He's been bagging 650 pips a week lately.

My forex manager manages about $80 million and he has paid profit of +39% for year 2009. In fact, he has been paying average profit of 3% per month for past 9 years.

yeah right

Hey thats him, Captain Forex. Musn't make fun of the intellectually handicapped but I worry that some naive readers might be spinning off into the void. He's been bagging 650 pips a week lately.

That is very easy to write about. Has he managed your account? For how long? How much did it cost? Do you have proof of those statements?

Some names naturally pop when you have a discussion like this. Examples are plenty, like Soros or Lipschutz (which strangely enough no one mentioned yet ). They are real traders with visible real success. How about your Forex Captain? Does he really exist? Does he make all that money? If so, why is he even posting on internet foruns? Why bother when you are a millionaire?

I am not stating he is not that good a trader. I am statitng it is very easy to make a ficticious caracter up and make tales of him, about trading success and fake trading statements. Just my 2 cents.



Captain Forex

The last sentence of my first post says "Do your homework before swallowing such puerile nonsense". My next post implies that he is mentally handicapped. Look what he has posted under the "I need total help" thread. I could take his posts to task and tear them to pieces but that would be cruel. Thus I thought it better to make a joke of it. As you said his posts are just nonsense.


I think i'm the best trader

I think i'm the best trader, some trader hier know me.

i have too had working to be what i m today...

best regards



Tough to say. I have heard of many sucess stories out their. But I don't know who is suppose to be

Who ever they are I'm pretty sure they usee technical analysis.

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Tough to say. I have heard of many sucess stories out their. But I don't know who is suppose to be

Who ever they are I'm pretty sure they usee technical analysis.


well , I DON'T THINK " the best trader " make any sense , no matter who it's , but "If God doesn't exist in our world, then I will create God with my own hands!" the words is wonderful , of course ,only you really follow it .


wear Jhane Barnes@@ ##with Rolex,}}{{walkng across the world in &&^mbt shoes , ##^^of course ,not a playboy@@^^

I think i'm the best trader

I don't think that's the first time you said that.


I beat xenosaga 1, 2 and 3

I didn't beat Xenogears? I did beat Xenosaga 1 - 3. Decent games. Focused on story, the real meat of games. Planning on beating Final Fantasy XIII. So many gamers in FF and TSD Forex. Wow. My favorite all time best is FF7. The game that made me a gamer..changed my life =)