Kriss-Kross Review (A Free Signal) ALL MANUAL TRADING NO EA - page 2


There seems to be some internal discussion going on at RAS. I must admit that I am a trader first and am in agreement with traders first. I hope this review thread did not cause problems as generally I am a peacemaker. investors need a traders betcha...

RAS at least needs that trial period. OK maybe the free signals do not generate income and use a lot of bandwidth and also draws the tradevestor away from paying for a signal, thus undermining the RAS purpose for existing....but there needs to be the ability for the vendor to offer a free trial period through RAS..This is a fundamental basic.

I will say that I am doing my review on a demo account (paying for this signal at 50 bucks a month would represent a cost to me) and the only reason why I am reviewing this signal is because it is ALL MANUAL. Traders you need to register your views more openly so that administration can correctly establish their routines...

Thanks to all for your comments and I hope to be able to continue my review...


P.S. why do I keep reiterating "all manual"....This is where an investor gets a managed account in a transparent environment ...not some temporary automation EA attempting to "can the market".

P. P. S. Pash...more power to are very couragious...I hope more talented manual traders will see the opportunity that RAS presents. There will be losing days and winning is all about this... Do I beleive in this system and the trader? Pash... this is why you should explain more about "HOW YOU ARE TRADING" as you need to get the confidence of your investors.


ES, i don;t think that providers should have an ability to offer free trial, i think it should be automatic for ALL signals providers. 2 weeks minimum as there are some ridiculously expensive providers out there now, i think i have seen one for $2.5k per month!! There is absolutely no excuse for this due to the nature and shortcomings of RAS signals, period.


Hi ElectricSavant,

I agree with you.

They said to me that this "pausing with trial" is temporary solution. Besides, as I see - they made some changes with sorting for free signals and it is difficult to find them now.

Because general concept of RAS and general concept of our forum are very different and I am still trying to adapt myself to something which I do not like

There seems to be some internal discussion going on at RAS.

Yes, you are right.

Because RAS service and our forum should have similar concept anyway. And as I see - this process is going on right now. If TSD forum and RAS will have same development concept so RAS will be the first.

If case of different concept - RAS will be one of the ...

Well. Will see.


- some changes for free signals in sorting,


- "pausing with trial"

are the only way to reduce the number of the vendors. And it is the only way to support to the well-known professional vendors who are making honest signals (most of those well-known professional vendors are having the threads in this section).

For now - RAS needs quantity of the signals.

Otherwise RAS will be the same as commercial section of the forum when a lot vendors are selling with few famous sellers only.

Better less but better.

But I hope that it is temporary solution with trial.


So how do I review Kriss-Kross?.... anybody?


So how do I review Kriss-Kross?.... anybody? ES

Did you try to ask Live Support? (it's on the upper right of any RAS page of a signal and it starts a chat session after a while).


ok problems have been solved and I am watching the signals and all hooked up with a Demo IBFX account.

Yesterday was a winning day....Now, understand I am trading 0.1 multiplier on a 1K IBFX mini-account...

Yesterday there was 30 cents banked in the GBP/JPY..... and today thus far was 1.36 cents banked in the GBP/JPY...(the trading session is not over for kriss-kross)

You laugh...Electric these are demo-pennies!...but what the heck! I do not need to review with 10's of thousands of dollars do I?....Just compare 1K to your balance to get a yield...think outside of the box! and lets keep this boiling pot of water under not brag about your profits...

and...Do not distract this team of trader (s)...leave it alone.... this is working and trading RIGHT! do not fix it. How long will this last?...well let's watch and see ok? I need some losing days to make this more realistic...stay tuned ☺


Date Started 01/19/10

2 days of trading = $1.66 profit



I understand the fairness argument and what you suggest. Thank you for posting your thoughts. RAS administration reads this and it is their decision to do the correct thing.

I personally do not have any glitches with the RAS model, EA's and such. It just takes a clear snapshot of the different templates to be posted by the seller to the subscriber for all the different dealers and balances. Once you get RAS set up there are no errors or glitches...or shall I say there are none for me YET!

Let's keep RAS brilliant!


ES, i don;t think that providers should have an ability to offer free trial, i think it should be automatic for ALL signals providers. 2 weeks minimum as there are some ridiculously expensive providers out there now, i think i have seen one for $2.5k per month!! There is absolutely no excuse for this due to the nature and shortcomings of RAS signals, period.

I understand the fairness argument and what you suggest. Thank you for posting your thoughts. RAS administration reads this and it is their decision to do the correct thing.

I personally do not have any glitches with the RAS model, EA's and such. It just takes a clear snapshot of the different templates to be posted by the seller to the subscriber for all the different dealers and balances. Once you get RAS set up there are no errors or glitches...or shall I say there are none for me YET!

Let's keep RAS brilliant!


ES, it doesn't have so much to do with glitches as they are quite rare. It has to do with latency, different brokers/spreads etc that affect results on clients accounts so it is A MUST for clients to be able to test this without paying for months service. There are also scumbag providers that use complete scam brokers like swiss forex with 1 pip spread to obtain completely bogus results and tricking clients into singning up. This was the case with few scalper providers who knowing their signals are garbage in reality, purposely charged high fees for their signals. Once client was subscribed and found out signals are bogus, they were screwed out of at least 1 month fee.


Well...There was more trading yesterday and we ended up with another winner (7 winning trades from inception and not one loser yet...this is scarey). Trading has not started today but I will post when I can.


Date Review Started 01/19/10

$2.46 profit


loss today

Suffered loss today. Was waiting for retrace till 147 to close all trades, but it did not worked. Hope to recover all loss by next week.