Kriss-Kross Review (A Free Signal) ALL MANUAL TRADING NO EA


Kriss-Kross | Rent a Signal

This trader has been quietly trading since October 2009 and has accumulated 194 trades. The graph is rather nice looking.

sooo... I am trying this one. I selected this one as it is manual system. I believe that the full potential of RAS can be realized with these signals from talented traders that trade manually.

At the RAS website he states he trades from 11:00 AM (est) to 11:00 PM (est). I have not been transmitted any trades yet...perhaps he is not trading today or I set up RAS incorrectly...hehe...this all seemed so easy to install ☺

I do not know how this will turn out. I will try and make a complete review as I progress with Kriss-Kross. I am using a demo account with IBFX with 1K. I set the multiplier to 0.1 as the trader explained in RAS.

I set up RAS (RAS has come a long way and even I could download it without any problems yet) Since this is a scalping signal, I set up the two charts in M5 on GBP/JPY & EUR/JPY to follow along with (see attachment of the chart & RAS inputs below).


P.S. Maybe the trader will visit this thread and make some comments. But I do not want to distract him from his trading and I understand if he does not comment.

P.P. S. You can always click on my attachments to make them larger.



Thanks for your review. I was not trading at the time you install RAS so you did not get any trade. Check now and let me know if you got today's signal.

I got one more suggestion for everyone please use some kind of stop-loss EA as I do not hard set stop loss myself. Put stop loss between 70-100 pips. This will prevent damages in case you missed any exit signal.


No I did not....could it be in my chart settings? (See attachment below)


Thanks for your review. I was not trading at the time you install RAS so you did not get any trade. Check now and let me know if you got today's signal.

I got one more suggestion for everyone please use some kind of stop-loss EA as I do not hard set stop loss myself. Put stop loss between 70-100 pips. This will prevent damages in case you missed any exit signal.
options.gif  15 kb

I think you should load a settings file which is named after you when you open the RAS properties. This file should already exist since it was created along with the RAS software inside of MT4.


I did that...but I did it again and we shall see if I get any trades...told you guys...this was way too easy...hehe

There is no way to subscribe to his signals and he is checking on that...I cannot find Kriss-Kross on the RAS I need to be an Elite Member to subscribe to this free signal?


Poem: Here I sit all broken-hearted, came to trade and could not get started !☺

I think you should load a settings file which is named after you when you open the RAS properties. This file should already exist since it was created along with the RAS software inside of MT4.

Don't be Heart broken and thank your luck as Today I am on loosing streak.

Still trying to find out solution for subscription issue.

Poem: Here I sit all broken-hearted, came to trade and could not get started !☺

I still see and get your signal pash.

Kinda silly RAS doesn't announce these changes. I don't recall any announcements for min $50 signals and no 'free' signals


Whats with the free signals being taken out anyways? As far as i can tell trial periods got taken out too? How are the clients supposed to test executions of various providers?


Yes it looks like they killed trials too.. Not sure what they are thinking zomg--They have made some decent changes in last few months, but these last changes, without notice, is almost like they are begging folks to use their competitors(or like many vendors, just start their own private version of ras)

Yes it looks like they killed trials too.. Not sure what they are thinking zomg--They have made some decent changes in last few months, but these last changes, without notice, is almost like they are begging folks to use their competitors(or like many vendors, just start their own private version of ras)

Yeah, this is kinda making me believe that their greed is taking over concern for their clients. How can they justify not having at the very least trial period of minimum 2 weeks so that clients can test signals executions on brokers available to them. Especially considering that RAS has history of delayed executions to lesser or greater degree but neverless affecting results of many systems. I think we all have seen lots of scalper systems making losses on clients accounts while being profitable on providers due to lag, spreads and so on. Seems asking more while offering less is whats happening with RAS nowadays. You are right about competition, it will weed out services that are not doing what they are supposed to. Hopefully RAS will wake up.