Curious point.


Hey folks.

Some weeks ago i read a programmer in his website saying he wants to sell his EA for a big financial institution. And then he's working on it.

We see a lot of people trying to make profits TRADING the market. Do you have heared something like that?



That's a curious point.


Have you never think about it? Build a robot with the porpouse to sell ?


There are two basic ways to earn money in Forex: 1)Trading and 2)selling EAs, indicators (and coding), systems and seminars. Most of the time it doesen't need to be good: just to LOOK good.

That programmer probably is applying just another selling strategy: If a "financial institution" is "paying" him money for his EA, then IT MUST BE GOOD and I want it. Of course, it will be very expensive. Of course, I will pay no matter how much will cost, because I will have my money back in no time. And if I can't have it from the coder, will allways be a cheaper "decompiled" version selled by "another coding thief" (usually the same guy with other nickname).

You will end with an Ea that probably is a renamed tweak of some other Ea developed in public forums. Be careful.


Thanx for the answer bro.

I'm not thinking in buy his EA ...anyway

I was surprised for the fact he wants to sell for a big financial institution, not for traders, investors...i never heared a goal like this one!!!

is there in history a business like this one?


There are two basic ways to earn money in Forex: 1)Trading and 2)selling EAs, indicators (and coding), systems and seminars. Most of the time it doesen't need to be good: just to LOOK good.

That programmer probably is applying just another selling strategy: If a "financial institution" is "paying" him money for his EA, then IT MUST BE GOOD and I want it. Of course, it will be very expensive. Of course, I will pay no matter how much will cost, because I will have my money back in no time. And if I can't have it from the coder, will allways be a cheaper "decompiled" version selled by "another coding thief" (usually the same guy with other nickname).

You will end with an Ea that probably is a renamed tweak of some other Ea developed in public forums. Be careful.




Think about this for one minute; does a banks have any need of broker dealers and MT4 platform ?

Thanx for the answer bro.

I'm not thinking in buy his EA ...anyway

I was surprised for the fact he wants to sell for a big financial institution, not for traders, investors...i never heared a goal like this one!!!

is there in history a business like this one?


Not So

Mis B. Havin':
Think about this for one minute; does a banks have any need of broker dealers and MT4 platform ?

I know of one Hedge Fund that uses MT4 and indicators for charting but not trading. I am not giving more details due to confidentially constraints. I wouldn't bet on most of the big institutions having anything as up to date as MT4.


I guess it's curious.

I've never think about it, and maybe even the people who have the power to make decisions in the "big financial institutions" have not yet...

For this pourpose i'm sure you MUST to be in direct contact with someone in a big bank who have that power (this is difficult), and you MUST give him real proofs of BIG return for a good period of time and in diferent market conditions (this is very difficult).

I don't know a case like that!

Mis B. Havin':
Think about this for one minute; does a banks have any need of broker dealers and MT4 platform ?

Like FXNEWBIE said above, if you proof with consistent results he will have his money back in no time a big bank could buy it.

But i repeat myself: the problem is be in contact with the person who have the power the make decisions, and proof a consistent and a big return of the money.


Yeah...I think hedge fund managers is more along the right line than "banks" would be.


even if a fund managers (imaginative) buy a system

he won't USE it in the bank / his office computer

because, if anyone see it (the network guy, like to peep other screen, the CCTV guy, like to peep too ), then he won't get employed

maybe only robot will buy stuff from ebay and hope to build another profitable trader