Power of Prayer


I read time and time again accounts of wishes coming through after a mass prayer...I was a member of a website where members practice what they preach in a way...that is they have a set time for a prayer, contents of which are sent to every member...anyways...let's face it...indicators follow price...and are unreliable...why not have a group of people (at least 11) to have a prayer at set time to a second with same text...something like "let USD go up all session long today"...doesn't hurt to try:)...if this will work...that will be the only truly LEADING indicator...HeHe....

I read time and time again accounts of wishes coming through after a mass prayer...I was a member of a website where members practice what they preach in a way...that is they have a set time for a prayer, contents of which are sent to every member...anyways...let's face it...indicators follow price...and are unreliable...why not have a group of people (at least 11) to have a prayer at set time to a second with same text...something like "let USD go up all session long today"...doesn't hurt to try:)...if this will work...that will be the only truly LEADING indicator...HeHe....

You don't need a leading indicator to consistently win in forex. Don't try to catch 100% of the movment. I am happy if I can catch 70% of it.

I don't know your idea about God. The prayer is important as part of the personal relation of man with God (for all of us that believe in him). If Forex is so important to you that makes you pray to God, I think it will be much better if you ask him for a profitable system. It may be his will to give it to you (or not).

God's plans are not allways the same than men's plans. That's usually the most difficult part for men to understand.

You don't need a leading indicator to consistently win in forex. Don't try to catch 100% of the movment. I am happy if I can catch 70% of it.

I don't know your idea about God. The prayer is important as part of the personal relation of man with God (for all of us that believe in him). If Forex is so important to you that makes you pray to God, I think it will be much better if you ask him for a profitable system. It may be his will to give it to you (or not).

God's plans are not allways the same than men's plans. That's usually the most difficult part for men to understand.

I already have a profitable system...My idea is...Is it possible to directly participate/change the direction of the market the way it suits me...The reason is...I had...let say few experiences in life that defy logic...11 people only...are you with me or...?:)

I already have a profitable system...My idea is...Is it possible to directly participate/change the direction of the market the way it suits me...The reason is...I had...let say few experiences in life that defy logic...11 people only...are you with me or...?:)

I had MANY experiences in life that defy logic. But.... how about if there are another thousands of people around the world, that has placed an opposite trade and are praying God that price move AGAINST you?......

Don't put God in those kinds of dilemma, and then blame him for not hear your pray. Man...!!!... God have a hard time with us...!!!..



I had MANY experiences in life that defy logic. But.... how about if there are another thousands of people around the world, that has placed an opposite trade and are praying God that price move AGAINST you?...... Don't put God in those kinds of dilemma, and then blame him for not hear your pray. Man...!!!... God have a hard time with us...!!!..

you are overlooking 2 conditions...same text and same time...I doubt millions of traders around the world using same words at the same time...anyways...it might or it might not work...but it will be interesting to see what happens if all the conditions are met...


I see the motive of this thread. "Prayer" is just a term PAVA trying to describe how his idea works. Its more or less using the same statement for all the people who believe in "it", tell the universe and act the same to make change to the output. Example:

5th January, 2010 - GMT08:00 long dollar crosses







When 1 person practice this with 1 lot each, market doesn't seem to move a tick, just because there is only 600,000 unit volume extra floating in the market. However, if there is 11 person acting the same, its entirely different story, 6,600,000 unit volume will definitely push the dollar index up a little, may be a few tick. The more people participate in this "prayer", the chances of changing the direction is greater.

Now, here is 3 things need to be solve:

1) When there is 6,600,000 unit volume floating in the market, 1 of the participant decided to take profit, direction may be remain unchanged. What if, more 5 of the participant decided to take profit? The rest of the participant that remain in market could end up deep poo.

Result: Hunting stops

2) Let's assume, the "prayer" ended with an "amen" for all of your participants. All of them close the trades at the same time. Who is going to buy back the dollar index? As all the participants practicing long dollar crosses.

Result: Slippage

3) Now, the Feds decided to print more money(dollar weaken, I'm sure they print more then 6.6million anyone time) and Mr.O decided to call for another WAR. You can pray as much as you can and load all your money across dollar crosses, but that doesn't change the output as all the money is going to burn in gun powder.

Result: Contrary trading

My guess is, nodoby willing to share their point of view(I'm talking about the big boys). If Ben tell you tomorow dollar strength, chances of EURUSD go up is 90%, contrary, 10% will be as his statement. Why? When Ben praying publicly as "God, we thank you for giving us good housing starts this month, we'll be anticipating superb strength in the dollar as blessed by you.". As soon as he say Amen, guess the Feds will start printing and short selling across the crazily overvalued American Dollar. Don't you think?

My 2 pips,




Davidke...the timing of partici_pants entering the market?...I don't care if they play for what they pray....or not...11 people entering market at different FOREX outlets won't make any difference...since most of the positions will not be registered anywhere but on those outlets computers...What I am interested in...Can 11/or + people make an impact on what Big Ben or O' does and/or negate their doings...are you in or out?...you might get surprised at the results...it's not coding as you know it...

Davidke...the timing of partici_pants entering the market?...I don't care if they play for what they pray....or not...11 people entering market at different FOREX outlets won't make any difference...since most of the positions will not be registered anywhere but on those outlets computers...What I am interested in...Can 11/or + people make an impact on what Big Ben or O' does and/or negate their doings...are you in or out?...you might get surprised at the results...it's not coding as you know it...

For the sake of curiosity, let's give it a shot. Lot size? Time? Currency pair? Shall we park order or market order? Come to think of it, we should register a company and start RAS. Sell our leading signal!



p/s: Read my signature. I certainly know what you mean.



you are on...I need only 9 more participants...once everyone agrees to what pair...which session...and which direction....with no ranging:)...then we can proceed...


Is God a God that bows to the whim of people who gamble?? Think about this you vain lost soul perishing traders! God is not Santa Claus! If you want healing, success, peace of heart or eternity, than you have to be His child, not a child who is ruled by His adversary.

Until the blinders come off your spiritual eyes you will not understand God, nor will He respond to your circumstances. The only one that can take those blinders off is Jesus. Until then, you do not know God, nor are you a child of God. If you want those blinders removed and want eternal life, look up Salvation through Jesus on Google. Right now you are heading down the broad road leading to destruction - Quote from Jesus. Vanity and ignorance is working in you right now by thinking the way you are thinking. You can wish, pray to God and it will not do you a bit of good. On the other hand if you pray to Satan, he might help you if you sell your soul to him in advance - Not a smart move!

Keep wishing, better yet, hunt down that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!!! :-)


Houston, Tx

Is God a God that bows to the whim of people who gamble?? Think about this you vain lost soul perishing traders! God is not Santa Claus! If you want healing, success, peace of heart or eternity, than you have to be His child, not a child who is ruled by His adversary.

Until the blinders come off your spiritual eyes you will not understand God, nor will He respond to your circumstances. The only one that can take those blinders off is Jesus. Until then, you do not know God, nor are you a child of God. If you want those blinders removed and want eternal life, look up Salvation through Jesus on Google. Right now you are heading down the broad road leading to destruction - Quote from Jesus. Vanity and ignorance is working in you right now by thinking the way you are thinking. You can wish, pray to God and it will not do you a bit of good. On the other hand if you pray to Satan, he might help you if you sell your soul to him in advance - Not a smart move!

Keep wishing, better yet, hunt down that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!!! :-)


Houston, Tx


I think you've got the idea wrong, or confused by the topic. The word "Prayer" in this topic meaning to gather power of a number of people to WORK for 1 goal, has nothing to do with religion. Personally, I believe God has his way to work things out. We don't pray to get pay. If you're interested to prove this theory whether its working, please give us a hand. This is all about work together, not religion. No more, no less.

