Requests & Ideas - page 338

What averages is appearing and disappearing? Please post it here. This is how a linear regression from averages looks like on my terminal and I have no problems at all with it :

It appears ok when I apply the template (first pic), but after a few seconds the last few portion disappears (second pic). It's odd, not sure why.

nzdcadh4.png  120 kb
It appears ok when I apply the template (first pic), but after a few seconds the last few portion disappears (second pic). It's odd, not sure why.

That there on the picture is not my indicator and is happening because the arrays storing previous tick saved values are used incorrectly

That there on the picture is not my indicator and is happening because the arrays storing previous tick saved values are used incorrectly

didn't know that wasnt yours. im attaching another one that should be your indicator, and it looks like it's still doing the same. perhaps you can direct me to an original averages indicator?

nzdcadh4_1.png  128 kb
didn't know that wasnt yours. im attaching another one that should be your indicator, and it looks like it's still doing the same. perhaps you can direct me to an original averages indicator?


Please do not post igorads or codergurus indicators pictures and tell that they are mine

I do not use coloring like that and I never had. That coloring is a classical repainting coloring

If you have an example of my averages indicator that does that please post it here (the source) so that we all can see what it does and when


Please do not post igorads or codergurus indicators pictures and tell that they are mine

I do not use coloring like that and I never had. That coloring is a classical repainting coloring

If you have an example of my averages indicator that does that please post it here (the source) so that we all can see what it does and when


Simmer down. I already said I don't know whose indicator it was cuz they all look similar within the parameter settings. All I asked was where I could download the original so that I could test it out.

Mladen Simmer down. I already said I don't know whose indicator it was cuz they all look similar within the parameter settings. All I asked was where I could download the original so that I could test it out.

Please read your posts - among other things you told this : "didn't know that wasnt yours. im attaching another one that should be your indicator,"

For a correct averages indicator with a correct linear regression value (and all the other types used in it) you can use the one from this post :


Hi mladen,

Would it be possible to have non-indicator versions of 'Jurik filter simple 1' and 'Double smoothed jurik filter & mtf nmc' whereby the values of an array can be smoothed. I know 'Jurik smooth - frame' already does this, but it is not possible to change the array which I am trying to smooth into an indicator. So would it be possible to have blocks of code in functions which I can just drop into my EA and call once per bar, for example? I tried to do it myself but the resizing of the wrkj array to 'Bars' confused me, among other things!!

Many thanks in advance, James.

Hi mladen,

Would it be possible to have non-indicator versions of 'Jurik filter simple 1' and 'Double smoothed jurik filter & mtf nmc' whereby the values of an array can be smoothed. I know 'Jurik smooth - frame' already does this, but it is not possible to change the array which I am trying to smooth into an indicator. So would it be possible to have blocks of code in functions which I can just drop into my EA and call once per bar, for example? I tried to do it myself but the resizing of the wrkj array to 'Bars' confused me, among other things!!

Many thanks in advance, James.

Here you have them as functions : jurik_double_smooth_and_smooth_functions.txt

Here you have them as functions : jurik_double_smooth_and_smooth_functions.txt

Thank you so much, you've saved the day


Mladen, could you update the following indis:thanks
