Requests & Ideas - page 325


Here you go : bettervolume_1.41.mq4

Option added : SkipSaturdaySunday. If set to false, it works as before, if set to true it does not use any data from those two days (see the example and the difference on a Sunday data)

Hi Mladen,

This is exactly what I wanted. It works perfect. Thanks.


I did not I have to remove all the alerts all the arrows and all the code that will not conform with the multi time frame mode of operating of that indicator and only then make what you have asked for. So, first it has to be cleaned and only then it can be developed further

Hello Mladen, nothing yet?

Hi Mladen.

Please see the following tape histogram indicator. I would like for you to code it so that it allows me to have multiple periods, multiple timeframes and different obos for each period.



A. Period 50, obos 50 and -50 in 240 hrs.

B. Period 70, obos 100 and -100 in 1440 hrs.


1. If A above 50 and increasing and B above 100 and increasing = Aqua 2. If A below -50 and decreasing and B below -100 and decreasing = Yellow 3. If A above 50 and B above 100, but one increasing and one decreasing = Blue 4. If A below -50 and B below -100, but one decreasing and one increasing = Red 5. If A above 50 and B above 100, but both decreasing = Dark Blue 6. If A below -50 and B below -100, but both increasing = Maroon 7. If either A or B or both are not in obos zone = Grey

If buffers aren't enough for this to be coded, then code based on the following results:

1. If A above 50 and increasing and B above 100 and increasing = Aqua 2. If A below -50 and decreasing and B below -100 and decreasing = Yellow 3. If A above 50 and B above 100, but either A or B or both are decreasing = Blue 4. If A below -50 and B below -100, but A or B or both are increasing = Red 5. If either A or B or both are not in obos zone = Grey

Hope the above explanation is clear enough for you. Thank you in advance again Mladen.


You are asking to check 7 states of multiple CCI

How is it going to combine states of multiple instances (since in fact you are going to have nnn CCI values with nnn obos, periods, time frames, to a single state (in this case I am asking about case when there are not, for example. just 2 instances but nnn instances greater than 2?

PS: please, in future, let us not post altered indicator(s). We had already clarified that CCI period can not be fractional (that it can cause to have a completely wrong CCI calculated in some cases)


You are asking to check 7 states of multiple CCI

How is it going to combine states of multiple instances (since in fact you are going to have nnn CCI values with nnn obos, periods, time frames, to a single state (in this case I am asking about case when there are not, for example. just 2 instances but nnn instances greater than 2?

PS: please, in future, let us not post altered indicator(s). We had already clarified that CCI period can not be fractional (that it can cause to have a completely wrong CCI calculated in some cases)

Dear Mladen,

PS noted.

Regarding your question, kindly clarify, sorry.

Dear Mladen,

PS noted.

Regarding your question, kindly clarify, sorry.


I was talking about this part :

1. If A above 50 and increasing and B above 100 and increasing = Aqua 2. If A below -50 and decreasing and B below -100 and decreasing = Yellow 3. If A above 50 and B above 100, but one increasing and one decreasing = Blue 4. If A below -50 and B below -100, but one decreasing and one increasing = Red 5. If A above 50 and B above 100, but both decreasing = Dark Blue 6. If A below -50 and B below -100, but both increasing = Maroon 7. If either A or B or both are not in obos zone = Grey

Now, instead of using 2 values of a same time frame, try to combine, let say 5 values of 5 different CCIs from 5 different time frames.


I was talking about this part :

Now, instead of using 2 values of a same time frame, try to combine, let say 5 values of 5 different CCIs from 5 different time frames.

Sorry Mladen, you lost me. Is the scenario I painted not possible to be made into any indicator, or is it something else? Sorry.

Sorry Mladen, you lost me. Is the scenario I painted not possible to be made into any indicator, or is it something else? Sorry.

Take this for example :

1 minute time frame, and 1 day time frame combined. They will show anything but gray, only, and only when 1 minute is the same as 1 day state

Take this for example : 1 minute time frame, and 1 day time frame combined. They will show anything but gray, only, and only when 1 minute is the same as 1 day state

Yes I understand, however if you take 1 day and 4 hours, and if day was in the ob zones, and 2 of the 6 candles of 4hrs was in the ob zones, the section of the 2 candles of 4 hrs which is in the same state as the day would be colored in aqua. The section of the other 4 candles of 4 hrs would be either in blue or grey.

This helps me see areas where both day and 4 hrs are in ob or os zones, where the momentum is strongest.

Yes I understand, however if you take 1 day and 4 hours, and if day was in the ob zones, and 2 of the 6 candles of 4hrs was in the ob zones, the section of the 2 candles of 4 hrs which is in the same state as the day would be colored in aqua. The section of the other 4 candles of 4 hrs would be either in blue or grey. This helps me see areas where both day and 4 hrs are in ob or os zones, where the momentum is strongest.

Mladen, I hope you understand my reply, awaiting your assistance on my request, thank you.

Mladen, I hope you understand my reply, awaiting your assistance on my request, thank you.


having problem with coding it

As soon as the problems are solved it ill be posted