Requests & Ideas - page 571


Hi dear friends,

I developed attached M15 system. 

How can we improve and more effective (less fake signals, more accurate signals) this system?

Please share your ideas and suggestions ... 



mLaden or some coder please can help me? My indicator has a counter, but the font size of the counter is too small, and I want to set a bigger font size and customize the counter. I need to set function of creating labels, but I dont know mql enough to do that... The following is the code, if some generous soul can modify the code to suit my request I will be very grateful.


void show_stat()


int limit=MathMin(Bars-20,Bars_to_count);

int wins=0;

int loses=0;

int draws=0;

int all;

int prof_pips=0;

int lose_pips=0;

for(int i=limit;i>0;i--)




if(Close[i]>Open[i]) {wins++;prof_pips+=int((Close[i]-Open[i])/point);}

if(Close[i]==Open[i]) draws++;

if(Close[i]<Open[i]) {loses++;lose_pips+=int((Open[i]-Close[i])/point);}




if(Close[i]<Open[i]) {wins++;prof_pips+=int((Open[i]-Close[i])/point);}

if(Close[i]==Open[i]) draws++;

if(Close[i]>Open[i]) {loses++;lose_pips+=int((Close[i]-Open[i])/point);}




if(all==0) all=1;


Comment("Total:"+string(wins+draws+loses)+" ","Wins:"+string(wins)+" ","Draws:"+string(draws)+" ","Loses:"+string(loses)+" ","PercentsWins:"+DoubleToString(100.0/(all)*wins,1)+"%",

"\n","Profit pips:",prof_pips-spread_minus_points*wins," Lose pips:",-lose_pips-spread_minus_points*loses," All pips:",prof_pips-spread_minus_points*wins+(-lose_pips-spread_minus_points*loses));

You must use object (label or text object)

When you use comment, you can not change the display size


You must use object (label or text object)

When you use comment, you can not change the display size

Yes, but I dont know how to do such thing...  :/

As you are an experient coder, can you do this for me? Just post here the modified code... please...


Yes, but I dont know how to do such thing...  :/

As you are an experient coder, can you do this for me? Just post here the modified code... please...

You will have to use more objects

Hi Mladen. Can you please add the different modes of averaging to this indi?

Thanks for your kind help


Hi Mladen. Can you please add the different modes of averaging to this indi?

Thanks for your kind help

Try this one (added the basic 4 ma types)
Thank you! I don't want to annoy you , or be ungrateful, but is it possible to add the rest of the averages?
Thank you! I don't want to annoy you , or be ungrateful, but is it possible to add the rest of the averages?

Here is a version with all the latest averages

Thank you! I don't want to annoy you , or be ungrateful, but is it possible to add the rest of the averages?

And this version : it can use any price, and it can use filters (on price, on value, or on both)


And this version : it can use any price, and it can use filters (on price, on value, or on both)

Dearest MLADEN

Now it will be work properly after having averages+prices+filters,so much thanks adding required pretty features.

any way can you explain a bit,how and what disparity,inequality,contrast and dissimilarity this tool is measuring/calculating.
