Requests & Ideas - page 89


Line 60 starts with stringand it should start with int. Only that needs to be changed and it will work OK. Or use the one attached (easier yet )



Mladen , Is it posible for you to check the Repeated median line with slope and Auto channel indicator with slope indicators. After I remove them from the chart the text(slope info) still remains there.

Thank you Mladen


Hi Mladen, if I plot 2 instances of the atatched indicator with differente settings, I can't get the arrows from the 2 instances to appear, I can only get arrows from one of the instances to appear and not all the arrows, could you fix this?



For cases like that set the arrowsUniqueIDparameter to different values.

Here is an example of the two indicators (one is current time frame and the other is 1 hour) where current time frame has arrowsUniqueID set to velPaArrows1and the 1 hour one has that same parameter set to velPaArrows2. Blue and red arrows are from 1 hour while green and orange ones are from current time frame



Hi Mladen, if I plot 2 instances of the atatched indicator with differente settings, I can't get the arrows from the 2 instances to appear, I can only get arrows from one of the instances to appear and not all the arrows, could you fix this?
_ma.gif  28 kb

Zero Lag TDI /MTF

Hi Mladen, can you make a Zero Lag TDI like the Zero Lag Macd?

And can you give it an alert when the Lt blue line cross the red line?

Also can I get a version that is on the Main Chart?





Here is this one

It adds zero lag calculation and alerts. To enter zero lag calculation mode you have to enter 4 in any of the 3 MaModes in parameters (actually, if you enter any value that is not in the 0-3 range in MaMode it will calculate zero lag, but better to remember it as 4 ) Alerts are working as you asked for. Here is a comparison of a zero lag turned on deviations and middle (golden) line calculation (upper) and regular calculation (lower)

As of "on chart" - will try to find some acceptable solution for that (the way I used on the "on chart" versions I made long time ago is rather crudu and will try to find some better way of doing it)



Hi Mladen, can you make a Zero Lag TDI like the Zero Lag Macd?

And can you give it an alert when the Lt blue line cross the red line?

Also can I get a version that is on the Main Chart?



Here is this one

It adds zero lag calculation and alerts. To enter zero lag calculation mode you have to enter 4 in any of the 3 MaModes in parameters (actually, if you enter any value that is not in the 0-3 range in MaMode it will calculate zero lag, but better to remember it as 4 ) Alerts are working as you asked for. Here is a comparison of a zero lag turned on deviations and middle (golden) line calculation (upper) and regular calculation (lower)

As of "on chart" - will try to find some acceptable solution for that (the way I used on the "on chart" versions I made long time ago is rather crudu and will try to find some better way of doing it)



Thank you for the Zero Lag TDI Mladen.

It looks great.

I will wait patiently for the on chart version.

Thanks you.



hi Mladen, could you please make a delayed version of the attached indicator?


level lines (32,50,68) only draw to time 0

Hi Mladen.

I wanted to know if you could make the level lines (32,50,68) only draw to time 0 as I want the space on the right to show my currency meter without lines being drawn over it.





Here you go

But ... the usual but This time I will use this post to point out one problem of metatrader too.

Now, Ish, it is here and it does what you asked for. I hope I did not bore you to death with my answer



Hi Mladen.

I wanted to know if you could make the level lines (32,50,68) only draw to time 0 as I want the space on the right to show my currency meter without lines being drawn over it.

