Requests & Ideas - page 80


Hi bebeshel,

This thread is having the name as "meters" ...

It is the thread of 3 pages: we can see some valuable content posted with the discussion on first page and on some part of the second page of this thread. But started from the end of the second page and whole the 3rd page - it is just your posts and requests (with no any your image, with no any your trading system, with no any your trading results, with nothing from your side).

If new members will subscribe to this section so they will see that about 40% of this thread is something as "bebeshel is asking for indicator for himself" and they will unsubscribe.

Requests should be interesting for many members.

And please - stop flooding elite sections.

Use this thread for your requests (if for advanced elite).



" (with no any your image, with no any your trading system, with no any your trading results, with nothing from your side). "

As membra of the section "ADVANCE Elite" paying the monthly fee, and when payment is to learn "something" .. is not normal to pay to teach others.

I guess the moderators, we ask, we do the indicators, are paid to do so, no ....


Programmers are coding about what is interesting for the majority of elite members, or what is interesting for themselves - at least it was for many years here in elite sections. Elite sections were created with such the algorithm and exists with those rules for many years.

Spamming elite section threads with flooding - it is not good.

You are not alone here in elite sections.

Name of this thread is

"meters" ...

Name of this thread is not as "bebeshel is forcing Mladen to create meter macd for him".


Post your requests:

- if for advanced elite - on this thread

- if for simple elite for EAs - on this thread

- if for simple elite for indicators - on this thread

Or if you feel that your requests are interesting for many members so you can open separated thread, post some images for the members to increase the interests of the coders and the members.

Otherwise we will have just a collection of indicators created by private requests without any trading systems, without any information how to use those indicators, and without any rules for trading using those indicators.



I think you're confusing the word " forcing " with "ideas for new indicators",


Yes, exactly.

"ideas for new indicators": ideas for new indicators with the explanation about why we (elite members/users) need this indicator.

You know why you need the indicator. You only know why you need it.

But you are not only one here, right?

Why elite members need this indicator? Why I need it?

Post mages ... descriptions ... why it should help in trading ... - it should be posted by you.

And spam/flood ... what we (I and you) are talking about here? About how to use the meters? We are making flood and off topic for this thread spamming this thread, right?

So, 2 issues ...


I know what I am talking about because elite section was started by me many years ago: requests should be interesting for many elite members.

How to increase interest? Post the images, explain why we need this indicator, how to use it, trading rules .... and many members will be interesting and, I am sure - coders will come to code.

Key words are the following:

Programmers are coding about what is interesting for the majority of elite members, or what is interesting for themselves.

I think you're confusing the word "bebeshel needs but he will not tell to anyone why he needs it" with "elite members need it and we all know why they need it"


I moved your posts to this thread.

I think you're confusing the word " forcing " with "ideas for new indicators",

You are confusing the words "ideas for new indicators" with "push and punish". It is International World and this kind of manner is not acceptable there especially in internet virtual live. Because our life in internet should be much more better than real life around.


Threads for requests:

- if for advanced elite - on this thread

- if for simple elite for EAs - on this thread

- if for simple elite for indicators - on this thread

Or if you feel that your requests are interesting for many members so you can open separated thread, post some images for the members to increase the interests of the coders and the members.

Otherwise we will have just a collection of indicators created by private requests without any trading systems, without any information how to use those indicators, and without any rules for trading using those indicators.

JMA Request and modification


I've searched but haven't been successful in finding a Jurik Moving Average with the following features:

1. Plot in a separate window;

2. Specify the symbol, that is, 'ForSymbol' input option;

3. Specify price to use;

4. Colour option, this is, change in colour with change in slope; and

5. Multiple time-frame option.

An additional request, could fxcorrelator be modified to use JMA rather than LWMA.




I've searched but haven't been successful in finding a Jurik Moving Average with the following features:

1. Plot in a separate window;

2. Specify the symbol, that is, 'ForSymbol' input option;

3. Specify price to use;

4. Colour option, this is, change in colour with change in slope; and

5. Multiple time-frame option.

An additional request, could fxcorrelator be modified to use JMA rather than LWMA.



Here's your last request found a little newer version it has little colored boxes corresponding in color to the lines makes it easier to determine which currency is what line also in this one you can determine which pairs to use and for those brokers having a different "suffix" at the end you will need to enter the suffix here extern string SymbolSuffix="";

Jurik filter in separate window with choseable symbol too (mtf, alerts, ...)

Thank you!, Thank you!

Thanks to you both mrtools and mladen for fulfilling my request! I very much appreciate your quick response.
