Ocean theory based indicators - page 48


Nope, you can't control time, when it's 11.55 hours, you have exactly 5 minutes till it's 12.00 hours, no one one can buy an extra minute to have 6 ...

or we should have cars with lightning speed ... 

Of course you can use someone elses time and pay him for that, but that's something else.

...imagine someone cooks you a dinner...it's like they free up your future time... that you will be spending cooking that dinner for yourself...(read Marx...just because ideology that resulted based on his imagination failed, doesn't make his conclusions less valid)


...imagine someone cooks you a dinner...it's like they free up your future time... that you will be spending cooking that dinner for yourself...(read Marx...just because ideology that resulted based on his imagination failed, doesn't make his conclusions less valid)

Ha, ha, I do not have time to read 'Marx' ...and I do not have to imagine someone to cook me a dinner, my wife does that every day ...while I spend my time on this forum and time consuming charts, hmmm a day should last 48 hours ...
Ha, ha, I do not have time to read 'Marx' ...and I do not have to imagine someone to cook me a dinner, my wife does that every day ...while I spend my time on this forum and time consuming charts, hmmm a day should last 48 hours ...
so you borrow TIME from your wife??? :)
so you borrow TIME from your wife??? :)

Of course, we enjoy each others time very much and often, which is normal (to us).

I wish you also a great time IF you manage to find the time, of course. 



It is simply the fact that there are things that must be made on the site first and since I have to nag and nag to get them done, for now I am forced to do more nagging to the developers than to develop myself some mq code



It is simply the fact that there are things that must be made on the site first and since I have to nag and nag to get them done, for now I am forced to do more nagging to the developers than to develop myself some mq code

now we have urgent usual features in proper working condition and hope all rest will be done gradually.
now we have urgent usual features in proper working condition and hope all rest will be done gradually.
I hope so too. Compared to the state the site was a few weeks ago, it is better now, but some important things are still missing. As soon as they are solved too, then we can start doing the things better than before :)
I hope so too. Compared to the state the site was a few weeks ago, it is better now, but some important things are still missing. As soon as they are solved too, then we can start doing the things better than before :)

Dearest MLADEN

yes,it is more fine than before weeks ago ...... and this is a so amazing news "then we can start doing the things better than before :) " ........ along side my trailing dream will be come true too then.


I hope so too. Compared to the state the site was a few weeks ago, it is better now, but some important things are still missing. As soon as they are solved too, then we can start doing the things better than before :)
great work! Thank you!

Added a ndx and nst filter.



Would this benefit from a filter?