Manual Trading System - Zürich


Basic important things every trader should know

If you hear from anyone that making money in Forex is easy, do not believe it.

It is a myth.

The truth is - being profitable in Forex requires a lot of work, dedication, practice, an excellent discipline, sharp knowledge of money- & risc-management and understanding of the psychology of your own coping style and of the currency market.

Not so little and therefore not so easy.




Commencement of risk: 2009 November 06 - MT4 Account: 10'000.- $

Trading Style: High Risc Level

Depot at 2009 nov. 06 - TOTAL: + 10'536.83 $

Profit since 2009 nov. 06 - TOTAL: + 536.83 $


Opened positions has been hedged before weekend.

Kindest regards


You have a balance on closed trades of 22700$ and you have a floating loss of 10K$. That is a drawdown of 44%!! on your equity.

Who can ever be interested in this kind of trading ??...

It is always the same problem with these kind of trading styles or systems. Doubling up your account in a couple of days but if you have some drawdown you loos half of your account in 24 hours.

In one of your postings you say: being profitable in Forex requires a lot of work, dedication, practice, an excellent discipline, sharp knowledge of money- & risc-management...

I believe that you should read your own posting again. Your results have nothing to do with risk management. On the contrary if one can loos 50% of his balance over a couple of days then that it is pure gambling without stoplosses and hoping that price will always come back.

Instead of a trader with risk management you should become a croupier in the casino of Montreux.



Message End!

Message end!



Typical Crash Down !

High Risc Level will pointed out a great loss.

It was bound to happen sooner or later!

Total Loss: - 4'657.51 $

It could have been worse!

Don't trust High-Level-Trading-Systems!

Don't trust trustworthy titles!

May you do well!



I find it a bit cheap to now say that your own system should never have been allowed on RAS. You make it sound that you wanted to proof that systems like yours or people like you should be avoided at all cost on RAS.

If you would gotten away with you absurd high risk you would have been the first to say "look how profitable I am...join me"...

Nobody needs proof on how bad one can trade or how idiotic high risks one can take.

You do not only take absurd high risks (opening 25 full lots on the euro in a matter of a couple of minutes) but you don't place any stoploss on them.

Even a newbie knows that one needs to always place a S/L on a trade. So I don't know what you try to proof with that kind of absolutly stupid actions. I call it actions and not trading because that has nothing to do with trading nor with high risk trading.

Your attempt to open this topic and to join RAS was meaningless and you did not made any point what so ever nor did you gave proof of something.

We all know that trading has a high risk level. If you open an account with a broker or what ever kind of commercial step you take there is always a disclosure that clearly explains that trading on forex has a very high risk profile. You did not need to proof that again. Even with low risk systems there is a high risk. The moment that you trade futures, CFD's, options, warrants, or forex market, those are high risk financial instruments.

Instead of trying to proof how risky trading can be and trying to double up your account in a couple of days, concentrate on what you said in your previous posting: risk management. Risks management means that you place a stoploss on each and every trade that you take. That this stoploss, with a normal system, should be at a level that you will not loos more then 2% of your account if it trriggers that stoploss.

If you come back on RAS trying to sell you next "manual system" then show at least a 6 month track record. So that people can see what your reward/risk ratio is. What your hitratio is in relation with the avg. win/loss ratio. What your profit factor is, what your market exposure was etc....that is risk management.

It is not because you had suddenly 2-3 weeks of good results that you should feel called upon to sell your signals or share them with others. If everybody who had a good 2-3 weeks of trading results thinks that he should go on RAS then RAS would have thousands of vendors on their site.

Go to RAS if you feel you are an expert in the field with many years of experience and backed up with many years of system devellopment and trading results.
