Adaptive lookback indicators - page 54

Can nma be adaptive?

Not really (due to its nature, it can not be made adaptive in a way as some others can - more or less, it is already a sort of adaptive but in its own "ocean" way)


Added the price options and made it more user friendly, the CB stands for confidence bands.


Added the price options and made it more user friendly, the CB stands for confidence bands.


Nice indicator. Will be testing ot

Added the price options and made it more user friendly, the CB stands for confidence bands.


What are the colored bars?

What are the colored bars?

Morro, the colored bars are from Mladens averages.

Morro, the colored bars are from Mladens averages.

Thank you mrtools

Morro, the colored bars are from Mladens averages.

Do you remember the settings ?

Do you remember the settings ?

PascalD, if i remember right was using a 200 period non lag ma.

PascalD, if i remember right was using a 200 period non lag ma.

Thank you mrtools


Here is one more variation of adaptive indicator - this is an adaptive ema (ema is a very good candidate for adapting, that is why it is used in this case) : emaa.ex4


PS - just a side note : to avoid some guessing, for adapting I used VHF function I made. The reason I am not posting the mq4 file is not to hide the adapting mode (since it is the VHF) but because of the double smoothing, that is not going to be public yet

emaa.png  128 kb
emaa.ex4  19 kb