Adaptive lookback indicators - page 38


End pointed fft should work OK,but there are some warnings in the library. So here is the updated pack to avoid those warnings.




To remind what already Dennis Meyers told : it is not a holly grail (as some were claiming in order to sale something named end pointed fft). On higher time frames it seems to be usable - on lower not so much (at least that is my subjective opinion) but it takes testing to determine exactly where and how it can be used profitable

Original was posted here (with much more description what was done) :


This one does not belong here (by it's nature) but since I have posted about the same subject last couple of posts, here it is :

This is a end-point fft. I used klots library for this (it is a pure mql since it is reasonably fast even in mql form so no conversion or changes was needed)

Of parameters :
window is the size fft will be calculated for : I prefer to know at least roughly how many bars I want to calculate it for, so the indicator will round the window size to the closest power of 2

FilterBellow and FilterAbove - frequencies sequence that are going to be filtered (cut-off) If you set these to 0 and some big value, there will be no transform at all, since inverting initial fft will return the original values. Default values are fairly good for this purpose

I am attaching the library here (#_lib_FFT.mq4 and as usual, it should be copied to libraries folder). The original can be found at this link : Библиотека функций быстрого преобразования фурье FFT - MQL4 Code Base

As an example : FFT (upper) compared to same length and cut-offs end point FFT

Updated version posted here :


Updated Adaptive lookback asymmetrical bands using centered TMA as a basis : alb_triangularma_centered_abands_alerts_3_nmc.mq4

Original was posted here :

very nice job.

Is it possible to have the TMA asymetric bands with the alb thing.

thank you.

Hi Flytox,

Added the alb, also added upper band deviation and lower band deviation, if you prefer the regular way can just leave them both at 3.Picture is H4 alb abands on H1 chart!

Updated version posted here :


Hi mladen,

hi mrtools,

here is an interesting article about a Centered EMA . It uses in particular an optimized forecasting technique. Could you implement it ?


pa adaptive indicators

Hello mladen, hello mrtools,

it`s possible (if time) to modified the following indicators:


Thank you and have a nice day


Hello mladen, hello mrtools,

it`s possible (if time) to modified the following indicators:


Thank you and have a nice day



First , here are two versions : one that works as before (the old one) and one that works differently (phase accumulation is calculated differently)


Hello mladen, hello mrtools,

it`s possible (if time) to modified the following indicators:


Thank you and have a nice day



This one too : this is the phase accumulation adaptive super smoother made new mql compatible (with some minor changes in the code too, but they do not affect the values calculated) : pa_adaptive_super_smoother_nmc.mq4

Hello mladen, hello mrtools,

it`s possible (if time) to modified the following indicators:


Thank you and have a nice day


And finally here is this one too : pa_adaptive_t3_amp_alerts_nmc.mq4


Hello mladen,

thank you for the fast Response.
