Why most Lose Trading? - page 6


You must admit that only 5% of traders win in forex


do you know the 5% traders

and why is it similar to casino, house always won


people know that treat someone right someone going to treat you right.

try to put this thought in the trade will help you.

don't ask me for the answer.


the 5% figure is possibly a myth - likely put out by those that would rather we fail

i've read somewhere the figure is more like 20% win

but the Market Markers would prefer we think otherwise

5-10% is the very big winners though, then small winners make up the other approx 10%

and another 10% breakeven over the year

too many bad brokers around, and certainly does n't help our chances

before giving any money to any broker - thorough due diligence should be undertaken and never put all the eggs in one brokers basket - especially as he could be making his own bad bets

another statement i heard somewhere - is once our money is in there brokerage account - they consider it as theirs

also don't place big bets and never over 10 contracts as the whole market hunts the bigger contracts,

personally i only know of 2 brokers that can ever be considered as genuine - out of over 100+

and says something about this game - and im not 100% sure about those either?

as with anything most things can be made to be easy (in the end) - and if one puts in enough time - or gets lucky and someone shows you the secrets

trouble is gaining the knowledge the hard way does take some time........ and even then the piper always has to be paid


A general question : if a doctor tells you that he went only for a couple of months to university, would you let him treat you? Then, why we let ourselves think that after a month or two we know enough to trade? It is a job like any other serious job and it must be learned. And learning was never a 1 day process


Too much "I need it" and too less "Can I actually do it"

Like addicts : trading is a thrill, a hope and a religion all in one for most that lose. Simple gambling game



Because they all do the same Mistakes


I think most of the people loose their money because they have not proper knowledge about trading. If we want to succeed in Forex we should control our emotions too.

I think most of the people loose their money because they have not proper knowledge about trading. If we want to succeed in Forex we should control our emotions too.

or they choose the wrong broker


i think some people or more wanna Fight not trade