Free on Twitter


This is so cool .. realtime Free signals on Twitter Break Forex (BreakForex) on Twitter


The signals look good ..+66 pips today in 4 trades within 2 hours... wonderful.



thank you, ı give profit


twitter has to be one of the most overrated and useless sites ever.


Go to the search box in Twitter and search the word "pooping"

Someone is tweeting that they're pooping about every 3 minutes.


OMG That is so sad. What happened to the Twitter trades?


any twitter URL, that is quick to close (20 min to 4 hr) and winning 85% of the time ?? -- and honest about their profit/ loss too-- i.e. there must be some lost , and post it accordingly --- twitter is for habit changing -- if you trade and think is different , do not use it in live trade (they seldom tell you how the exit -- as they did)


I feel like there are some good twitter signals here and there. I know there are on Facebook.