One more average ... - page 32


Range one more average with bands : Range oma with bands_arrows_alerts nmc.mq4

Originally it was posted here :


Two versions of one more average with atr bands - separate and on chart : oma - atr bands nonlag mtf + arrows on chart nmc.mq4

hi mrtools

can you please add arrows with an alert, on color changes.(slope)

excuse me, i was watching "The Night Shift S01" these days,so...please


here is a version with alerts added : Angle of oma & alerts.mq4


hello, please help to make it into mtf.

thanks in advance


Here is the multi time frame version : Angle of oma & alerts & arrows mtf.mq4

One more application of one more average ...


I was reading a book by Mark Jurik and it reminded me of DMX indicator, Then, I started to look for it on metatrader and I did not find it (found some metatrader 3 versions but they were really far away from DMX should be (no smoothing at all, for beginning...). So ... decided to make one. According to Mark Jurik this is dmx

(even if it tells bipolar DMI on the picture, in the subscription of the picture it is saying : "Compare the noisy magenta line to the blue line underneath. This new line is Jurik's DMX, the clear replacement for bipolar DMI. DMX offers a clean, jagged-free picture, allowing you to detect true market direction faster, and with greater accuracy. ")


But, since I was already making it decided to make a version that uses one more average for smoothing instead of using Jurik smoothing. So here are 2 versions : the "Jurik smoothed" version and the one more average smoothed version. Default parameters are set so that they are almost the same (even though it is not a "fair" comparison since I had to turn the adaptive in the one more average post smoothing off in order to get similar results, and since Jurik smoothing is always adaptive, making the oma non adaptive is like taking 2 wheels of of a car in order to compare it)


Anyway, here are the 2 : upper is the "Jurik" version, lower is the oma version
Also, a word of warning : in the original DMX there is no phase change (or rather, it is fixed to 0). I decided to let it be changeable but if you use Phase different than 0 cases like this one on the picture, when the indicator overshoots out of its bounds, can happen :

As far as I know, those overshooting are much, much smaller with oma version, but ... no guarantee, since there is no upper and lower bound check __________________________

PS: updated version compatible with the new metatrader 4 posted here

thanks mladen

but this ind didnot work also

Good morning to all:

Excuse my English please.

Mladen or mrtools.

It could create a version "Angle" One More Average as that embedded in the image.

Best regards.

Thank you very much.


This would be the angle of one more average

All the usual parameters for OMA included


One more average dmx made new metatrader 4 compatible : dmx - oma nmc.mq4

Original was posted here :


thanks mladen

but this ind didnot work also

Indicator from the link I posted above is working


Please, when you see that there is am addition to the posts that is saying that there is "updated version compatible with the new metatrader 4" search for the version that has "nmc" in its name. Otherwise it will not work. The one from the post you are quoting now in this post is here :


Hello Mladen,

I request you to please convert this Step one more average to histo version please.



