For "Solar wind" believers - page 26


I think that this is one more solar wind mt4_xb4d.mq4

mt4_xb4d.mq4  7 kb

One more a bit different version fortitudo_trend.mq4

Hmmm, why posting these ?

Even a newbie like me knows what repainting is ...of course it is good to know how all this crap is named to mislead newbies ...

So it is good to gather them here, where they belong.

In fact the name 'Solar Wind' is a good one ! If you spend a lot of time in the sun, in combination with a lot of wind, your skin gets 'repainted' very fast.

just spend couple minutes inspecting per page, and then moved to the last page, and found your post are more decent, and save times. wonder why there's so many variation of one single type indicator, and all of those added for the same purpose, profit trade. why dont the mixed up together, and turn into one single decent indicator, a new name for example :

Ultimate Solar wind indicator, or Sun God Indicator, or Super windy solar indicator.


Is there a version of this indicator with alerts at certain level? Like the Stoch alert at 80/20. But this one with 0.1/-0.1. Thanks

just spend couple minutes inspecting per page, and then moved to the last page, and found your post are more decent, and save times. wonder why there's so many variation of one single type indicator, and all of those added for the same purpose, profit trade. why dont the mixed up together, and turn into one single decent indicator, a new name for example : Ultimate Solar wind indicator, or Sun God Indicator, or Super windy solar indicator.

Please read the first posts of the this thread ...

"Solar wind" is a wrongly coded Ehlers fisher transform, and should be treated like that : a coding error.

But somewhere along the line, somebody thought that it looks soo good in the hindsight that it could bring some money - not in trading but in false promises that it will do the same thing in run time. And that makes it the favorite scamming indicator and that is why so many versions are posted : when over and over again one more "coder" discovers to unsuspecting people the wonders of the "solar wind" then it deserves its place in this "hall of honor" thread


If you want the "ultimate" solar wind, just use the correct Ehlers fisher transform. Otherwise, forget about "wonder" indicators like solar wind. Not worth losing time on it. In the mean time, next time you too find one more renamed solar wind that will be advertised as a solution to all TA problems, post it where it belongs : in this thread

just spend couple minutes inspecting per page, and then moved to the last page, and found your post are more decent, and save times. wonder why there's so many variation of one single type indicator, and all of those added for the same purpose, profit trade. why dont the mixed up together, and turn into one single decent indicator, a new name for example : Ultimate Solar wind indicator, or Sun God Indicator, or Super windy solar indicator.

What "profit trade" are you talking about? Sorry to ask, but did you read the posts on the thread at all?


+X fish version x_fish.mq4

x_fish.mq4  4 kb

One more version mega_fx.mq4

mega_fx.gif  30 kb
mega_fx.mq4  5 kb

Also solar wind cracked_mega_fx.mq4


cracked me up

Also solar wind cracked_mega_fx.mq4