45% world's wealth destroyed - page 5



Ludwig von Mises misses something important says Ms's von Misses


Buying a house ?

It is an interesting issue, indeed...

Waters are finding their true level.

Time to buy a house, Simba !!...

1-1MM houses for sale,of about 11MM total houses in Spain...see point 3,please

2-Cycles(ahh,I love them) of House prices says there is a cycle at work with an average half cycle span(top to bottom) of 7 years..(6-8 years actually)...taking into account that the top was reached in 2007/2008..the bottom will be reached between 2013 and 2016.

3-Spanish average salary is 1k euros,17% of population is not working,there are 4 MM people not working,and,more important,1 MM of families have no working member(civil unrest approaching)...since the hedge funds that started buying small apartments in Marbella at 500k(they sold them at 700k..until they were stuck with the 2 MM Euros ones) are no more in business,and the banks have possessed houses to cancel equity loans that are way upmarket..Who is going to buy the houses?..Simba?..Not so mah friend,I will buy in 4 years when nobody else wants to buy..ok,but going back on topic..Does this means destruction of value?..Or just an adjustment in perception?




Ludwig von Mises misses something important says Ms's von Misses

The wife of a man became very sick. On her deathbed, she said to him, "I love you so much! I don't want to leave you, and I don't want you to betray me. Promise that you will not see any other women once I die, or I will come back to haunt you."

For several months after her death, the husband did avoid other women, but then he met someone and fell in love. On the night that they were engaged to be married, the ghost of his former wife appeared to him. She blamed him for not keeping the promise, and every night thereafter she returned to taunt him. The ghost would remind him of everything that transpired between him and his fiancee that day, even to the point of repeating, word for word, their conversations. It upset him so badly that he couldn't sleep at all.

Desperate, he sought the advice of a Zen master who lived near the village. "This is a very clever ghost," the master said upon hearing the man's story. "It is!" replied the man. "She remembers every detail of what I say and do. It knows everything!" The master smiled, "You should admire such a ghost, but I will tell you what to do the next time you see it."

That night the ghost returned. The man responded just as the master had advised. "You are such a wise ghost," the man said, "You know that I can hide nothing from you. If you can answer me one question, I will break off the engagement and remain single for the rest of my life." "Ask your question," the ghost replied. The man scooped up a handful of beans from a large bag on the floor, "Tell me exactly how many beans there are in my hand."

At that moment the ghost disappeared and never returned.



Marx Brothers

Well, I think I still belong to the old school....

By own experience in my country, I know that all economy can't be left in the hands of the market forces alone.

As Keynes stated, the government have to take responsability in certain aspects of economy, as a force of equilibrium, mostly to guarantee a better distribution of the wealth in the most country population possible. But only in indispensable aspects to guarantee that goal.

Now, regarding Marx: He stated that the socialism was the only way to reach the thrue goal: the comunism, a beautiful human dream. But no matter all the resources and efforts done by the countries involved in the project, none of them where able to reach the comunist stage and only causes great suffering to their own ppl.

Coz as Marx stated, socialism was a neccesary step, but is the worst situation that countrys have to pass thru as fast as possible, because momentarly their where sustituting the monarch absolutism for the state absolutism. But countries where choked in socialism, unable to pass thru...

So, for me, best solution is gived by Keynes so far....

Marx was a fat genius lazy homosexual...living off his lover Engels...everything he said is true...communism can only BE amongst group of jewish people living under oppression in a foreign land...something Marx never understood.



The wife of a man became very sick. On her deathbed, she said to him, "I love you so much! I don't want to leave you, and I don't want you to betray me. Promise that you will not see any other women once I die, or I will come back to haunt you."

For several months after her death, the husband did avoid other women, but then he met someone and fell in love. On the night that they were engaged to be married, the ghost of his former wife appeared to him. She blamed him for not keeping the promise, and every night thereafter she returned to taunt him. The ghost would remind him of everything that transpired between him and his fiancee that day, even to the point of repeating, word for word, their conversations. It upset him so badly that he couldn't sleep at all.

Desperate, he sought the advice of a Zen master who lived near the village. "This is a very clever ghost," the master said upon hearing the man's story. "It is!" replied the man. "She remembers every detail of what I say and do. It knows everything!" The master smiled, "You should admire such a ghost, but I will tell you what to do the next time you see it."

That night the ghost returned. The man responded just as the master had advised. "You are such a wise ghost," the man said, "You know that I can hide nothing from you. If you can answer me one question, I will break off the engagement and remain single for the rest of my life." "Ask your question," the ghost replied. The man scooped up a handful of beans from a large bag on the floor, "Tell me exactly how many beans there are in my hand."

At that moment the ghost disappeared and never returned.


Casper says:...there was exactly handful of beans...not more and not less...

Marx was a fat genius lazy homosexual...living off his lover Engels...everything he said is true...communism can only BE amongst group of jewish people living under oppression in a foreign land...something Marx never understood.

Ho, c'mon, Pava...!!

1,more important,1 MM of families have no working member(civil unrest approaching).....

Does this means destruction of value?..Or just an adjustment in perception?


I am sure for the 1 MM families it means the destruction of value.

As much as the drums are being sounded for a recovery I don't see the cycle over by a long shot. It will be a learning experience for us all I am sure.

I agree with you on home prices, at least in the US as unemployment continues to rise there will be more waves of foreclosures and prices dropping.



Ho, c'mon, Pava...!!

prove me wrong