Mr.Nims, Renko Ashi Scalping System. - page 297


Hi Pava, Prince, Blaiser & Hermes,

I'm sorry for that post, I was only drunk and a bit curious, not serious.

Lets quit that topic please. I think it will need a whole new thread.

Best, Nick

We also believe on Isa Alaihum-Assalam (Jesus), he was the messenger of ALLAH, not his son and he ever didn't said clearly that He is ALLAH (Naozobillah and Astaghfirullah).

Hi Prince,

BTW, Just to add to that is that your right, but your also wrong. I may agree Jesus didn't said he is the son of God or That he is God.

But when Jesus was Baptized by John the Baptist, It was God himself who said out from heaven that "He (Jesus) is my son in whom I'm well pleased!" And in many occasions in the bible, it's God himself who claims Jesus as his son!

Best Regards, Nick

Hello Nick,

I am glad that you showed your interest to learn the religion of Islam and posted your thinking about us. May ALLAH give you and bless you with hidayah.

I don't know about which Muslims you are talking about! But i can say with confidence that "A Muslim, who fear ALLAH and follow the commands of ALLAH, can't do such things"

All the Muslims like Peace. The meaning of Islam itself is "Peace", and in hindi you can say "Shanti". We always like embracing, we deliver our message with good behaviour. We also believe on Isa Alaihum-Assalam (Jesus), he was the messenger of ALLAH, not his son and he ever didn't said clearly that He is ALLAH (Naozobillah and Astaghfirullah).

I want to ask you, Did you ever follow your religion? Are you a practicing christian? Who gave you the name "Christian"? If yes, then you should have faith for Muslims, Why?

I would like to ask you to please watch this video and listen carefully, i hope that it will clear most of your doubts. I noticed that Blaiser and Hermes are also interested in this topic, so i kindly ask them to watch and listen these videos.

For Nick: In hindi (Urdu)

Similarities between Christianity and Islam

Islam se Mutalliq Ghair Muslimon ke Shubhaat

Part 1:

Part 2:

For Blaiser and Hermes: In English (Text Version)

Islamic Research Foundation


Best Regards and Best Wishes for you, brother!


Hi Prince,

Stumbling on my quest and adventure with the oriental beliefs, i found something.

Thought i'll share it to you, although i don't believe much of what the video says.

But since i stumbled across, thought you could share a few inputs, Please not defensive or Muslim preaching as we all do not know more than the good Lord above.

I'm sorry my oriental brothers if you found anything offensive, I'm hoping you see a different perspective, like Prince who shows a different perspective of Jesus.

The Innocent Prophet - English Version - YouTube

Best, Nick


My only view of the great religions is based on what I see the people do, not what they say.

Looking back a few hundred or thousand years I can say that none of them have behaved with respect for their fellow man, being willing to kill and plunder and destroy at any time.

My conclusion is that religions, all of them, are a means to brainwash and control a population, a couple history books will confirm all of this.

Each to his own and beware all of the false prophets.!!


Blaiserboy you are very right with the statement: "My only view of the great religions is based on what I see the people do, not what they say." Religions are dogmatic and hypocrites.

We see the health of a tree on the fruit it brings. It cannot hide!



I know one thing FOR SURE...None of the Preachers of any religion were authorized by God himself to speak in his when some a_hole will tell you "God wants this and that" must be THE reason to put this person in a mental hospital...or in jail.

My only view of the great religions is based on what I see the people do, not what they say.

Looking back a few hundred or thousand years I can say that none of them have behaved with respect for their fellow man, being willing to kill and plunder and destroy at any time.

My conclusion is that religions, all of them, are a means to brainwash and control a population, a couple history books will confirm all of this.

Each to his own and beware all of the false prophets.!!

Hi Blaiser,

To me I've been noticing the same too with religions and believe me i'm from a country that officially has the most amount of religions here.. hindu(with tons of types), muslim(multiple types), christians(multiple types), sikhs, buddists, jains, zorastrian, jews, bahaii and various other types.

I've come to the conclusion for me that it's better to just pray privately to god, believe in Jesus and the need to do good deeds like helping the poor is more than enough to make the good Lord happy.

Religions as you said are made to control. It divides man from each other under a banner.

Being a Catholic from birth I've realized how the Europe went through the dark ages when Catholicism never even allowed people access to the bible and that was another war to get the bible to the reach of the common man.

I also have some relatives who have joined born again or the new life church and they start preaching right away, as you said "what they say", but what they do has been totally contrary and in some cases very bad.

I think i'll just stick to joining God not joining a religion.

Best, Nick


I for faith,but I am against religion. If person believes in the stone,and the stone helps him- is wonderful. If person looks at the sky and talking with the stars-this is faith. And I for silence in human,in people, his true silence. Any fool can find calmness and quietness of the sacred temple,but few will find the tranquillity in the storm


Hey guys and girls,

As traders we must believe in only one thing : PIPS


God is Truth, religions no. If religions would be right there will be no misery and wars on the globe like we experience now! And even worse the humanity is deteriorating every day. We are going backwards (crabs, not humans!) in evolution, not forwards. Soon back in Babylon and Sodom & Gomorrah. What a sunny future has a younger generation? When women patients come to me with pregnancy questions I ask them if they are sure they want to rise children for that society. Many wake up!



P.S. You mean PIP?