New Dolly - page 23

What are they paying 1000-2000 USD? All the genesis interface thing I could find have nothing to do with trading

You get Genesis for free when you create an account with a Binary Broker using ITMs referral link. But you have to deposit a certain amount of money and send them the proof.

You get Genesis for free when you create an account with a Binary Broker using ITMs referral link. But you have to deposit a certain amount of money and send them the proof.

I see

They made a deal with brokers. Oh well - gambling always had flashing lights surrounding it. I would prefer simple charts and some basic additions. When I see that there is more work invested in the look than in the essence I start to think why


Binary Options are not per se gambling. Sure, if you "trade" 60 seconds options, that's nothing else than gambling. But using longer timeframes, you can use them like the big boys use a method to hedge/secure your FX trades.

Binary Options are not per se gambling. Sure, if you "trade" 60 seconds options, that's nothing else than gambling. But using longer timeframes, you can use them like the big boys use a method to hedge/secure your FX trades.

When I trade forex I trade price

"Trading" binary options is betting if the price will go up or down (and how much) in a certain time interval. Unlike forex, you can not close your position when you want it to (without automatically losing) nor can you control how much will you lose (or gain as they are always telling). Hence : binary options is not trading (it lacks almost all the elements of trading except the involvement of money) regardless of the time frame used. Could continue but I see no purpose (enough info all over the net, even this Binary option - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is enough for a mature conclusion)

Not for me. Good luck to you and all trying to make a buck on binary options


I am using Dolly 14 and Marketscalper Pro on 2 monitors for both Binary and Scalping. They work very good,very accurate. You don't have to spend crazy money nor open new account tie with 3rd company. If you have question, you can question here. You wll get right answer.

I am using Dolly 14 and Marketscalper Pro on 2 monitors for both Binary and Scalping. They work very good,very accurate. You don't have to spend crazy money nor open new account tie with 3rd company. If you have question, you can question here. You wll get right answer.

Why asking any question?

About a super signals like commercial products being spammed "between the lines"? Sorry, but that really has nothing at all with trading


Hi Techmac,

I started as a newbie and lost some money on Binary Options. After that, I have been searching for indicators, reading, studying, watching charts, simulating hell. All my spare time for the last six months. I have learned a lot and my determination is greater than ever. I never give up, if I don't succeed in a few months, so be it. It won't let me down.

You know it's also difficult in Forex, 80 % of the traders lose, I have read somewhere.

Binary Options is even more difficult. There are a lot of crooks. There are only a few 'good' brokers and HUNDREDS of bad ones.

These lure you with every means they have ...

So please, if someone wants to trade Binary Option, it's not a gambler.

Maybe I will trade Forex too, I might do both.

In both cases, you have to make a prediction if price will go up or down.

Making predictions, isn't that gambling ?

Hi Techmac,

I started as a newbie and lost some money on Binary Options. After that, I have been searching for indicators, reading, studying, watching charts, simulating hell. All my spare time for the last six months. I have learned a lot and my determination is greater than ever. I never give up, if I don't succeed in a few months, so be it. It won't let me down.

You know it's also difficult in Forex, 80 % of the traders lose, I have read somewhere.

Binary Options is even more difficult. There are a lot of crooks. There are only a few 'good' brokers and HUNDREDS of bad ones.

These lure you with every means they have ...

So please, if someone wants to trade Binary Option, it's not a gambler.

Maybe I will trade Forex too, I might do both.

In both cases, you have to make a prediction if price will go up or down.

Making predictions, isn't that gambling ?


This time I was not talking about learning. I was talking about risk and risk control. Risk in binary options is disproportional and much higher than in forex.

Regarding trading : just one example : That is forex trading (what I call a risky account - I always have 2 accounts : one for less risky long term trading and one for a kind of "playing" - where I can take higher risks and sort of pump out the steam - with much smaller initial deposit of course )

So to conclude : if someone wants binaries, so be it. But I do not recommend it to anybody. Too risky compared to forex


Thanks for an amazing indicator!

I'm using v.14 on mt4 and problem with alerts! same pair I got already over 50 email and keep getting same pair and same signal!!! over and over again!!! what have I to do??


Hi there,

I've just started using Dolly v14 and love it so far. The one thing I would like to correct though: on my screen, the text with the prices for e.g. buy stop etc. run into the other text. Here's how it looks on my MT4 (hopefully the attachment is visible!). Is there anything I can do to spread the text out a bit? I've looked through the options and tried making the text a smaller font but that didn't help the overrun problem. I'd welcome any ideas on how to make this more readable for me.


audchfm5.png  56 kb