New Dolly - page 22


Good idea. Sad to see that nobody is interested.

Good idea. Sad to see that nobody is interested.


Its not that nobody is interested. Its more about are the suggested alterations to Dolly worth the time to re-code it, what I mean is has this suggested system been tested? has it got a proven track record? I am not about to spend many hours changing Dolly for every request that is posted. If some one posts a system or set up that actually works and it can be shown to be effective then and only then will I consider changes.


is dolly also good for binary options?


and another newb question, does the dolly indi repaint?

Havent traded today but ive loaded into my chart and the area where price hits blue and red zones are pretty good, it does what the indy says


No Dolly does not repaint, the Daily average levels change each day based on the average but everything else remains constant it is up to the trader to decide what levels the Buy and Sell zones should be set at and whether to use the Daily Open or Pivot as the center point of the display.


thank you, im using the system for binary options, i am still a bit confused as to how to fully use it, as you can see in the next two charts, price hits the sell zones and the absolute strentgh histo also agrees, however they just bounce back up?

also the dolly alarm is quite late, as when it sounds, the prices are already in deep zones, would greatly apreaciate help

thank you

gbpusdm5_2.png  68 kb
audusdm5.png  71 kb

Welcome to the world of trading, expect the unexpected, I do not trade binary so really cannot comment on what you are doing other than to suggest if price bounced twice off that level I would suspect it was either a strong Fib/Pivot or support area, you cannot rely on indicators in a totally mechanical sense, indicators are exactly that - indicators of what may or might not happen.

Regards CJA

Welcome to the world of trading, expect the unexpected, I do not trade binary so really cannot comment on what you are doing other than to suggest if price bounced twice off that level I would suspect it was either a strong Fib/Pivot or support area, you cannot rely on indicators in a totally mechanical sense, indicators are exactly that - indicators of what may or might not happen. Regards CJA

thans for the response, I have actually had 5/5 trades, this is how i entered

Waited for price to enter red/blue zones, then check the comments box if 15m and 1hr trend were the same, check if Absolute strenght was also same as trend and then entered, have i followed the "rules"?

first day is looking promising but i'll keep you updated



Think you could help make Dolly 15 version for Binary traders with something lighten up like they did with Genesis interface?

Would be great gift for BO fellas here on TSD

PS: And heck help all those newbie traders who pay 1000-2000USD deposit to get it ....



Think you could help make Dolly 15 version for Binary traders with something lighten up like they did with Genesis interface?

Would be great gift for BO fellas here on TSD

PS: And heck help all those newbie traders who pay 1000-2000USD deposit to get it ....


What are they paying 1000-2000 USD?

All the genesis interface thing I could find have nothing to do with trading