New Dolly


After repeated requests to update Dolly to handle the new extra digit platforms i have decided to totally rewrite Dolly ( 2400 lines of code ) and i have taken the opportunity to include many new features to make the use of Dolly more user friendly, features such as 3 built in trend MAs / Entry Exit Analysis / 4 time lines for setting up Market Open Close levels and a time window to show the offset from GMT for your broker etc.

The Analysis / longer term trend / Entry displays have user adjustable timeframes to suit your trading style and the Trend MAs are MTF to allow a visual display of larger timeframes if required.

I have also included an easy color change option which has 8 preset color schemes plus a manual override if you require your own color setup.

My only concern at this point is how to stop those people who consistanly try to sell Dolly on eBay and other websites, any suggestions from the tsd community??? or is it something that is going to happen anyway and perhaps we should not consider it??? Perhaps supply only the ex4 and have a monthly time limit, so if it does come up for sale at least we know that it has been decompiled??

I am currently testing for any bugs or code issues and will release it when i have finished.

The screenshot below shows some of the features avaliable with the new Dolly, i have only shown the Open setup however Dolly can also use the Daily Central Pivot as its starting point if required.

One last thing Dolly is up to number 13 should i perhaps make it Dolly 14 and by pass number 13 as some may think that 13 is bad luck ???

Any comments are most welcome.


The 1st thing i must do is thank those who tested the Dolly Graphics #13 and have helped to fine tune it and find any issues or bugs that existed.

#1 IMPORTANT NOTE: - I am only posting an ex4 at this point in time and i have coded in a Password similar to the Signal Bars indicators, to date this has helped stop blatant selling of the Signal Bars on eBay and other websites so it should work for Dolly as well.

#2 The Password is

FREE_at_tsdif the incorrect Password or no Password is entered Dolly #13 will not work and a message will appear on the chart saying that the Password is available at tsd.

#3 You will need to check the Allow DLL imports tab or Dolly will not work!

#4 Dolly Graphics #13 has 3 built in MA type indicators and Bands IMPORTANT NOTE: only 1 of the MA/Bands type indicators can be used at any one time and they are all MTF.

#5 Murrey Math is also available and can be used in conjuntion with the MA type indicators.

#6 Dolly now has a GMT shift for Hours and Minutes. IMPORTANT NOTE: The 4 Time lines for showing the Open or Close etc of trading sessions each have their own individual time settings and user defined labels, they are independent of the main GMTShift functions, the Time lines are by default set for a Broker offset of 3 Hours this means that if the London open is at GMT 7.00 then the London open time should be set as 10.00 ( +3 Hours ) to allow for the Broker offset.

#7 It has come to my notice that the Time display for the broker offset is not accurate in all the World time zones, the main issue appears to be with some regions in Africa and South America, i have tested this issue with several GMT clock type indicators and have found the same problem exists. It is not a major issue and no immediate solution is to be found so please do not Post comments concerning this issue unless you have a solution for it.

#8 The Dolly #13 has many new features not included in previous versions and i have included many suggestions from the traders who helped with testing. Feel free to suggest any improvements or additions however bear in mind that does not mean i will add in everything that gets requested.

#9 Please take the time to check out all the inputs and features of the Dolly #13 before asking any questions, i will not answer any questions that obviously come from people who have not taken the time to look at what Dolly #13 can do.

#10 Please do not ask for instructions on how to use Dolly Graphics #13 for trading i am posting an indicator not teaching you how to trade, Basic instructions are included in the Dolly indicator and the Show_DollyTrading_Instructions input can be found near the top of the input list.

#11 IMPORTANT NOTE:If you find a combination of Settings that work for you make a Template so that you do not have to reset the Dolly inputs everytime you load it onto a chart.

#12 IMPORTANT NOTE:I have coded in Trend and Entry/Exit Signals and i have tried to make the signals as hepful as possible - however you and you alone are entirely responsible for your own trading results -Posts such as I tried this and it wiped out my account / lost me money etc are a reflection on the ability of the trader not the indicator.


Alerts added to Entry/Analysis/Main Trend code.

New Alert inputs


#1 if the Popup window is ON and the Sound is ONthe Sound does not work only the Popup window works.

#2 if the Popup window is OFF and the Sound is ON then the only the sound works.


Show_ENTRY_TREND_Analysis = true;




EntrySignal_TimeFrame1 = 1;Alerts signal frequency is the "EntrySignal_TimeFrame1"Period

EntrySignal_TimeFrame2 = 5;

EntrySignal_AlertON = false;

EntrySignal_SoundON = false;

EntrySignal_SoundFileUP ="alert2";

EntrySignal_SoundFileDN ="alert2";


Analysis_TimeFrame = 5; Alerts frequency is off the "Analysis_TimeFrame"( See MAIN Alert below )

ENTRY_TREND_AlertON = false;

ENTRY_TREND_SoundON = false;

ENTRY_TREND_SoundFileUP ="alert2";

ENTRY_TREND_SoundFileDN ="alert2";


Maintrend_TimeFrame = 60; MAINAlerts frequency is off the "Analysis_TimeFrame" so that both signal at the same time - for this example it is M5

Maintrend_AlertON = false;

Maintrend_SoundON = false;

Maintrend_SoundFileUP ="alert2";

Maintrend_SoundFileDN ="alert2";

NOTE: The Alerts will sound for the frequency of the selected timeframe for example if M5 is selected and if the Alert conditions exist the Sound/Alert will occur every 5 minutes, it does not matter if you are on M30 the Alert will still occur every 5 minutes.

# NOTE: If you require the Alerts/Sound to occur for the timeframe you are using you can also set the Analysis/Signal timeframes to " 0 "and the Alerts & Signals will update automatically to the frequency of whichever Period you are on.


Small update to the Pivot labels to correct the R2 label - previously read incorrectly as R1

ps) CJA updated Dolly Graphics_v13, posted here.

CJA updated Dolly Graphics_v14 modified to work on new mt4 builds.More information here:

Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks
Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks
MT4 will evolve and will soon merge with MT5. There will be a single compiler supports both platforms...


Hello Dolly




OOuh very nice set up cja, when will you launch it ? I can't wait to test it.

Thanks cja for upgrade the Dolly (third clone ?)

Sugestion for ranging condition, maybe you can use Bollinger Bands period 24 deviation=1 or deviation=2.


I can't wait to test(and use)the new Dolly,cja!And I think that is always better to share a software as FLOSS Open Source code!



You are a creative person>>>>>>> wow



Looks really great compared to previous versions. I like the buy/sell area color that can be adjustable.

Waiting for your release.


Thanks for the good news

Nice to hear that, CJA, thank you for your hard work!

- 13 is a lucky number for me... , please do not leave it out.

- I hate to say that but I am afraid if it is a good software (and I am sure it is an excellent one) crackers will find a way to crack it (as it has been done with most of the commercial softwares in spite of all the safety measures). If we see someone selling it on eBay or somewhere else we can file a complaint and the seller will be banned.




coool cja, u are the best programer


New Dolly

Thank you so much for all you are doing, you are a genius, wish you all the best of luck with the new Dolly. Thank you again