Coders of the board...UNITE


Read today in the Stocks & Commodities Magazine description of Top/Bottom finder indicator...Looks interesting...Author presents it on charts of trending markets...not choppy I don't know how it behaves in sideways...but it looks great while market trending....Attaching pictures and mathematical formula...Indicator suppose to be attached to any bar of your choosing and pinpoint the end of the trend...Anyone can take a look at it and code it in Metatrader?..for references Applying Midas To Daily And Weekly Charts

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Read today in the Stocks & Commodities Magazine description of Top/Bottom finder indicator...Looks interesting...Author presents it on charts of trending markets...not choppy I don't know how it behaves in sideways...but it looks great while market trending....Attaching pictures and mathematical formula...Indicator suppose to be attached to any bar of your choosing and pinpoint the end of the trend...Anyone can take a look at it and code it in Metatrader?..for references Applying Midas To Daily And Weekly Charts

it will be really great if somebody can codes this in MT4.


would be real nice

it will be really great if somebody can codes this in MT4.

I read that article too, indicators looks nice, shows when to exit


I can help you

hi ,Pava , I can help you , if you have probelems , pls contact me by msn:


There were I believe 3 articals writen on that subject. One a few years ago, and a two part artical were yours is one part of two. Will have to search for the other part as I dont remeber the months that they were published.


This looks very interesting...I hope someone does code this


Cockeyedcowboy or anyone managed to code this indicator?

Cockeyedcowboy or anyone managed to code this indicator?

I read the articales on this a time back and was not to impressed with it, as the whole thing depended upon were you stated or (pinned bar) where you started from. It may or may not be useful I dont know, but have too many things going on to start anything new.