Trading System by Xard777 - page 209


Still managed to make a little cash for the bar tonight.

Thats all for this week.


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Then let's use some common sense and tell us why in the world you're telling us about your trading system that you can't share in the first place. This makes as much sense as someone going to a car dealership and looking at cars and when one attempts to purchase a car, the dealer said the car was never for sale. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish by posting your system that you refuse to share but this shows me that you are teasing others and you need a reality check. If you don't want to share your system, stop posting about it...and that goes for the others that are doing the same on this thread. Use common sense's not that difficult.

I will have to agree with CTGguy. Either admin should lock the thread, but leave it up for people to look through, if they really want to see systems they can't have; OR allow the systems to be posted.

Posting charts of indicators that no one is allowed to have just doesn't come off right.

The thread might be useful for some, and should probably be allowed to remain in the free section, but having people keep posting in it keeping it active, when the stuff is ACTIVELY NOT available, doesn't seem to make much sense and does come off like teasing.

Many good systems out there at any rate folks, and most don't repaint.



I thought I took care of the "teasers" a few years back:)...anyways...this system is useless guys...move along...nothing to see here...

I will have to agree with CTGguy. Either admin should lock the thread, but leave it up for people to look through, if they really want to see systems they can't have; OR allow the systems to be posted.

Posting charts of indicators that no one is allowed to have just doesn't come off right.

The thread might be useful for some, and should probably be allowed to remain in the free section, but having people keep posting in it keeping it active, when the stuff is ACTIVELY NOT available, doesn't seem to make much sense and does come off like teasing.

Many good systems out there at any rate folks, and most don't repaint.

I know you made a killing on Gold today Xard. And hope you didn't take profit so quickly this time.

It sucks that I missed the breakout,lol.

WR1, looks like your were right. Gold still going up.


one of my better calls - lol

i dont think most were supposed to catch the breakout, i took a punt very early this morning on a minor daily buy signal at support after yesterdays fall

Dow and Euro also at there support after yesterdays falls, kind of made it easier to read,

if only all days were like this,

but cant say i got all the rise (unfortunately) or enjoyed the shakeout mid session, all part of the game i suppose

not too sure whats next as the rise has taken it up into some major resistance on the daily and wkly charts

and still don't really believe the major falls are over as there is major support on the monthly at $1450

but playing the daily charts should keep most out of too much danger either way

GL - sure there 'll be plenty more of those over the next few months

personally i have no problem with this thread - and i don't have the system, nor really care either way, as i've developed my own thanks to all on the forum,

most threads we can learn something from and if that furthers our own development as traders and our own systems whats the harm? and can fully understand why some won't share once they spend so much time developing a system, as no one wants to kill the golden goose,

there are alot pages in this thread and many attachments on the bottom of the page, i assume with some good indies already provided, and alot of help and ideas from the OP

so things are nt quite as they have been portrayed over the last few days


GL to all in the search for their perfect system

Then let's use some common sense and tell us why in the world you're telling us about your trading system that you can't share in the first place. This makes as much sense as someone going to a car dealership and looking at cars and when one attempts to purchase a car, the dealer said the car was never for sale. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish by posting your system that you refuse to share but this shows me that you are teasing others and you need a reality check. If you don't want to share your system, stop posting about it...and that goes for the others that are doing the same on this thread. Use common sense's not that difficult.

Don't get your panties in a bunch CTGGuy. Xard has shared plenty already. I don't understand why you feel like he's obligated to share everything. Do you want him to trade for you too? The guy shared to the point that he got suspended from his own thread. And when that happened, where were you? There was only a few who went to bat for Xard when that happened. Mainly Francis Finley who doesn't even hang out on tsd anymore. Wonder why....

Its not out fault your late to the party. I don't see why he has to share his setup everytime he wants to show what he's working with. Hell I don't even have his latest setup and you don't see me crying.

But it's ok CTGguy. Your not obligated to waste your precious trading time with this thread. Your more than welcome to go elsewheres.

And good luck to you.


Don't get your panties in a bunch CTGGuy. Xard has shared plenty already. I don't understand why you feel like he's obligated to share everything. Do you want him to trade for you too? The guy shared to the point that he got suspended from his own thread. And when that happened, where were you? There was only a few who went to bat for Xard when that happened. Mainly Francis Finley who doesn't even hang out on tsd anymore. Wonder why....

Its not out fault your late to the party. I don't see why he has to share his setup everytime he wants to show what he's working with. Hell I don't even have his latest setup and you don't see me crying.

But it's ok CTGguy. Your not obligated to waste your precious trading time with this thread. Your more than welcome to go elsewheres.

And good luck to you.


hello sir

how r u???

i have some problem i want name and setting of this indicator which are see in this pics so plssssssssssss help me

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lion of gail:
hello sir

how r u???

i have some problem i want name and setting of this indicator which are see in this pics so plssssssssssss help me

And the circle cycle continues....

lion of gail:
hello sir

how r u???

i have some problem i want name and setting of this indicator which are see in this pics so plssssssssssss help me

I looks like to me like a fisher indi with two ma's crossing each other but mainly crossing the "0" level to confirm direction. Or it might be a rsi line being crossed with a ma crossing the 50 level which is also lined up to cross the 0 line of the fisher for direction confirmation.



What Im working with? Im just testing different indis as always. What I have on my chart.

From bottom to top:

At the the bottom I have the XO indi. I got this one from a EA of Elite section. Its set to 189 on Gold.

Above that Im testing the TMA slope indi that I got off a thread at FF. This repaints like all TMA does but seems to have better chance of better pips when TMA slope is on my side. And more likely the move won't be as strong when Im going against a strong TMA.

Above that I have a TDI indi. The same on the Xchart just different colors. I use this for to mainly determine trade direction.

Read the thread to see how the tdi is used in xards setups. Its mostly common sense.

Under that I have some kind of fisher made be a good friend who has ask it not to be posted here for fear of being exiled, sorry.

And the small block above that are Xards slow and fast bias indicators which can't be shared here for fear of being banded, sorry.

But as you can see there just indicators. Nothing that we all haven't seen before. Right?



What part of sharing do you not understand? Yes, he may have shared a lot already but we are not concerned about the past. If someone posted pictures of a system that someone won't share, you wouldn't care? You can't actually be that stupid ismael. If you want to back him up, you can do so, but don't criticize the 99% who are discouraged by these useless postings. Are you that ignorant that you fail to see the mega posting for the systems posted and you and xard just overlook the request as if they are invisible?

Pay attention ish...if the system can't be shared, it shouldn't be posted. I would start walking backwards if I were you ish and try to find out where you lost your common sense. Let's count the number of people that are requesting the system (which are many) compared to the number of those that don't have the common sense to realize they shouldn't be posting systems that can't be shared (only two of you). How's your math?

This thread should be closed.

Don't get your panties in a bunch CTGGuy. Xard has shared plenty already. I don't understand why you feel like he's obligated to share everything. Do you want him to trade for you too? The guy shared to the point that he got suspended from his own thread. And when that happened, where were you? There was only a few who went to bat for Xard when that happened. Mainly Francis Finley who doesn't even hang out on tsd anymore. Wonder why....

Its not out fault your late to the party. I don't see why he has to share his setup everytime he wants to show what he's working with. Hell I don't even have his latest setup and you don't see me crying.

But it's ok CTGguy. Your not obligated to waste your precious trading time with this thread. Your more than welcome to go elsewheres.

And good luck to you.
