Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1688


Some are predicting that GBPUSD will go way down to 1.4 if Scotland votes to leave UK

But also, imagine what will happen to GBP if Scotland votes not to leave UK. No trading time for GBP approaching - that will be pure gamble if somebody keeps orders opened at those times

1.29 was a support for almost a year (from September 2012 to August 2013) so, it will not give up just like that. Bearish trend but there will be some fight

Just quoting myself


don't quote yourself whatever you do

its the 2nd sign of madness

1.29 was a support for almost a year (from September 2012 to August 2013) so, it will not give up just like that. Bearish trend but there will be some fight

Well, I agree 1.29 won't just give up without a fight, but I do think it will give up if give some time.

don't quote yourself whatever you do its the 2nd sign of madness

1st sign of madness : becoming a trader

The working range seems to be 1.2880 to 1.2920. Outside of that range market makers are reverting it. Let see if tomorrow will be similar

We are back to usual Asian session trading. As you told : 1.29 still does not give up


Support still holds - trend is still bearish, but we can expect retracement or a sideways market for some time

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One of those days. No way I will trade this - it can break out at any side at any time without warning and reason


EUR/USD appears to be headed for 1.2980 where there's a resistance level and if it breaks above that level it might reach 1.3000. That said, after that it might continie its descent.

Support still holds - trend is still bearish, but we can expect retracement or a sideways market for some time

Interesting analysis. I agree with it.