Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1974


EUR/USD bounced a bit over the 1.1030 but i see that still a chance to see 1.1000 soon.


It will go up. Barry ordered

It will go up. Barry ordered

He did, At the G7 meeting


Again 19 pips range - Asian session is consistent in the last couple of days : no change at all


Still the bearish channel is not changed and still the price moves in an expected way. Monday will be the crucial day - with HFTs tuned to Monday news, expect all sorts of unexpected

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According to latest polls, Greeks are going to vote yes.

In a first moment it will push Euro up, and then when new negotiations start, it will go back down

According to latest polls, Greeks are going to vote yes. In a first moment it will push Euro up, and then when new negotiations start, it will go back down

There will be no new negotiations

They will be thrown more loans for more interests, so, the current repayment plan that extends to 2057 will be extended for 100 years more and it will be at lest 4-5 time more that they shall be forced to pay to loan sharks (Troika). The only chance that Greeks have to survive is to step out of EU

There will be no new negotiations They will be thrown more loans for more interests, so, the current repayment plan that extends to 2057 will be extended for 100 years more and it will be at lest 4-5 time more that they shall be forced to pay to loan sharks (Troika). The only chance that Greeks have to survive is to step out of EU

Interesting data. It is even worse for some other countries (Spain, Italy, partially France...) It looks like a rule of thumb, not an exception


Peaceful Friday for the EUR/USD but the violent coming next week by the Greece.

Peaceful Friday for the EUR/USD but the violent coming next week by the Greece.

Next week, if you are having money in some EU banks, start converting it to gold or transfer it to safe. Do not keep it on the account