Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1971

Level 1.1000 holding. Does not look like Euro will fall lower. More likely that it will bounce back like crazy

It did bounce back like crazy. Rumor says there are might be a deal on the table for Greece, but haven't we heard that before? according to Dijsselbloem, the door is still open for Greece to come back to negotiating, so let's see.


Dijsselbloem is not capable of telling the truth

It is not about deal - it is about even more QE (ie : transferring even more money to the pockets of the already rich). Don't forget that Draghi is a Goldman Sachs man - now they can ride the Greek wave for years and always the excuse for more QE will be "remember Greece". The whole thing is a scamm


We are almost back where we were at Friday close

SNB waiting for another wave?

We are almost back where we were at Friday close SNB waiting for another wave?

Market decided to go to back to sideways trend. Usual summer lull if it was not for Greek crisis. Tomorrow will be one of the crucial days


Today SNB is not buying. Tomorrow it will - probably the same scenario as yesterday

But we shall see on Monday next week - that will be something


Turkey offers help to Greece regards of Troika decision

Turkey offers help to Greece regards of Troika decision

You meant "regardless" of course

Typo but this summer is anything but a summer if vacations. And I don;t mean just Greek crisis. A lot is at stake


EUR/USD found good support at the 1.1140 level to day but with the unsolved case for the Greece, the pair will not hold over it.


Nothing is going to happen - remember : there are SNB, ECB and FED that are going to let free market do whatever it wants


EURUSD is following perfectly the long term bearish channel support resistance (see where it stopped yesterday, and what helps as resistance today) No surprises (yet)

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