Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1580


I got to read the article.


It really looks like previous weeks : 1.36 - a bit up a bit down

It really looks like previous weeks : 1.36 - a bit up a bit down

It starts exactly the same way as last time : we all were waiting when the hell will it break 1.36 down, and all it did was those 10-20 pips breaks. All the rest were bounces of level 1.36 that held as a support

If it continues the same this time, we really could see Euro launched in the stratosphere


someone (a lucky Irish bloke) on CNBC asian session was saying he thought 1.38 was the next level to wait for a short

and 1.40 the absolute ceiling, as its also been shown to be very strong resistance

(obvious i know, but always good to hear a so called expert)

he also said he thought the FED will have something to do with bringing down the Euro and thought it was about to fall quite abit more

maybe FOMC next wk could be the trigger?

as its nearly the summer its hard to see it'll go anywhere but sideways (this is my assumption)

but we've had big falls before in August so maybe this yr could be different?

no idea to be honest

(im on holiday now though, so don't really care where they all go to)

something fun (well kind of)

Fear & Greed Index - Investor Sentiment - CNNMoney


someone (a lucky Irish bloke) on CNBC asian session was saying he thought 1.38 was the next level to wait for a short

and 1.40 the absolute ceiling, as its also been shown to be very strong resistance

(obvious i know, but always good to hear a so called expert)

he also said he thought the FED will have something to do with bringing down the Euro and thought it was about to fall quite abit more

maybe FOMC next wk could be the trigger?

as its nearly the summer its hard to see it'll go anywhere but sideways (this is my assumption)

but we've had big falls before in August so maybe this yr could be different?

no idea to be honest

(im on holiday now though, so don't really care where they all go to)

something fun (well kind of)

Fear & Greed Index - Investor Sentiment - CNNMoney


Happy holiday (and a lack of trading)

That is the only way to rest of this madness


The GBPUSD does not want to leave the 1.6800 level. It has formed some kind of bullish flag on the daily chart. lets see if it continues to the upside.


We are back in a good old ranging sideways market

Old ranges are back and level 1.36 is back again

We are back in a good old ranging sideways market Old ranges are back and level 1.36 is back again

Again and again we are shown that EURUSD can not be traded any more

Either 10 pips ranges or whipsaws - chose your poison that will kill you if you trade it


Well, they broke 1.36 now. Let see



Carry trade started with Euro. Remember what happened to JPY when it was the most popular for carry trade. Do not hope too much that EURUSD will go up soon