Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1513

Price Action Trading:
Don't care much about draghi's BS. The power button on my computer works. Switch off the computer station and go for a walk till he shuts up.

You are right - this is like a time bomb.

I would not like to be on a wrong size when it goes off

You are right - this is like a time bomb. I would not like to be on a wrong size when it goes off

I agree : trading EURUSD today is a suicide


As usual : they did nothing. Now comes Draghi with his "we are going to do whatever it takes" :):)


Such a predictable whipsaw.

Algos trying to squeeze money from your pockets and they can not find any more money


He did it again :):)

Mario Draghi strengthened his pledge that policy makers were ready to take further steps to counter any risk of deflation

Man, he will never change. Like a puppet that can do only certain moves, he can tell only certain phrases


It is in an interesting place. It have bounced right back from the previous support line. and is now in a sort of a neutral zone. Waiting to see if the eternal reason of Draghis wrath (China buying Euro) will come back

eurusd_1.gif  40 kb
It is in an interesting place. It have bounced right back from the previous support line. and is now in a sort of a neutral zone. Waiting to see if the eternal reason of Draghis wrath (China buying Euro) will come back

So far they are quiet

Talks with Russians more important now than buying Euro - or they are waiting for further decline before they continue diversifying



What Draghi is planing to do with his version of QE is horrible. So far I did not believe that QE can get worse, but it can. Draghi plans to by bank loans instead of government bonds. What he is going to do is pump money directly into banks and private company owners pockets of his choice. That is not going to do anything but making the banksters and private companies of their choice richer and all that is going to be done using tax payers money

That is a straight forward theft that is going to be done in front of our eyes and we are going to be told that it is for the good of us. Draghi, how much will cost a decision which loan is worth buying? Corruption door opened so wide that only the blind can not see that. No wonder that Euro is going to fall : everybody is preparing the bribe money to be elected for a QE


Yesterday we had ECB day. Today is NF day. And every day becomes a HFT day. All non-trading days

Yesterday we had ECB day. Today is NF day. And every day becomes a HFT day. All non-trading days

Tomorrow (Saturday) will be a perfect trading day We shall see profit collecting today regardless of NFP