Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1472

stop out 3525 tp16p, later week no. 3525 was signal sell----3500 tp 25p, later 3509,was signal buy----3525 tp 16p, later 3525 was signal sell------ ()

STOP OUT 3508 TP 17P, LATER WEEK NO. 3509, 3514, 3525 WAS SIGNAL BUY-----


Today was a day that is clearly showing that all the farce about cleaning up the forex market is just a farce. Nobody cares for rgulations any more : JP Morgan pays $28.5 billion in fines and makes at least 5 times that much. Whoever told that crime does not pay was dead wrong

GBP and Euro both hit support yesterday on the Daily's and likely reason for the sideways P.A on the Euro

rates should be mildly interesting and really could go either this time as price has already hit support on both

seems weird they would lower interest rates yet again, especially when most know its a lie and not required.. and could even do more harm than good

what they will do if or when the FED and the BOE eventually put up rates is anyone's guess,

but presumably they will follow like sheep and say everything is fixed in the Eurozone

(although won't hold my breath on a rates rise anytime soon)

its been a shifty downtrend on the Euro - they certainly would of preferred it had no retailers made any money on this one (what a mean bunch the Euro MMs are)

fun times

Good luck

This time it seems that they are going to do that. And that will lead into a sub-zero rates. We are in a new ground now. HSBC limiting money withdrawals, ECB going sub-zero with rates. There are obviously a lot of things that we are not told. One day we are just going to find ourselves without a 10% on our bank account

Crisis is not finished. Not even close


we got two bars off a solid support area.

with the rates decisions scheduled later in the day, this can definitely break up.

looking for buy buy opportunities here

gbpusd_d1.png  31 kb

Rate decisions day. If it will be as usual, we are going to have a nice whipsaw. If there will be a rate cut, then we are going to see a free dive


Same thing that is going on now on GBPUSD will happen with EURUSD

Same thing that is going on now on GBPUSD will happen with EURUSD

So far you were right. Now wait for a Draghi same old blah blah ... only then we are going to see what are market makers up to


According to Draghi, all is milk and honey. The men has lost it completely. Or he does what all politicians do : lie and expect that everybody will believe


That mean really does not know what is he doing. He is going to ruin European industry single handed

STOP OUT 3508 TP 17P, LATER WEEK NO. 3509, 3514, 3525 ()WAS SIGNAL BUY-----

stop out 3615 tp 106, tp2 101p , tp3 90p ()