Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1436

stop out 3730 tp1 39p, tp2 34p, ()

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later week no. 3764, 3769was signal buy----3799 tp 35p, later week no. eu----3781, 3769, 3764, 3721 was signal sell-----(see week no. on page 1436 post 14351


In the end it turned out to be a real nice whipsaw. As usual FOMC statement did not disappoint us - it never ever leaves the whipsaw out in last years


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later week no. 3764, 3769was signal buy----3799 tp 35p, later week no. eu----3781, 3769, 3764, 3721 was signal sell-----(see week no. on page 1436 post 14351

day point --gu--6381+up trend, 6365-down trend, 6373+-up/down trend, eu---- 3652-down trend, 3678 +up tred, 3665 +-up/down trend


The steam is out. Now we should see what will the trend be (I vote for bullish )

day point --gu--6381+up trend, 6365-down trend, 6373+-up/down trend, eu---- 3652-down trend, 3678 +up tred, 3665 +-up/down trend

day point 3687, 3665,was signal sell-------------3659 tp1 28p, tp2 be ()

day point --gu--6381+up trend, 6365-down trend, 6373+-up/down trend, eu---- 3652-down trend, 3678 +up tred, 3665 +-up/down trend

day point gu-----6381, 6373, 6365 was signal sell---- () ()


One more thing we are used by now : after the FOMC statement a boring, boring tradng day

One more thing we are used by now : after the FOMC statement a boring, boring tradng day

It is normal Market makers are listening (they need to know where will the money go so that they can pick it up with their market manipulations.) First they are going to monitor money flow and then they are going to decide what will the trend be. By Monday it will be "back on track"


This starts to look like a slow holiday slipping of EURUSD. I do not see a chance that it changes the direction now before the new year

Week no. are signals buy/ sell,trade week no. same no. all the week,every day ,24-h,5-days,trade with the trend -no indictors ,only week no.enter on week no.posted once a week on monday for all the week. use week no. as enter trade point.,news is just event that can speed up or down the price movment

rules:enter olso( +-)6-9p,or week no.

week no.(12/16/2013)

have a nice green week! () no one has ever lost by taking profit

week no.

eu--3704, 3709, 3721, 3764, 3769, 3781, gu--6262, 6271, 6277, 6322, 6331, 6337

week no. 6337, 6331 was signal sell-----6325 tp1 12p tp2 , tp2 be ,later 6331, 6337 was signal buy---6360 tp1 29p, tp2 23p