Eurusd/gbpusd - page 33

nice comment on FF, makes sense....

Short term Euro longs are at risk right now. US Core CPI and Fed Minutes both come out today. If those 2 combine to suggest US may raise intrest rates before year's end.... bam! This northbound train will be stopped in it's tracks and we will head south fast. Safest play for manipulators is to push price up above 4100 to trigger stops so they can unload and not get caught if news goes against them. However, it may not be so easy as there are probably a lot of sellers to get through before they can trigger stops above 4100.

the current Indis (bull bias) support the above....

My Neural Nets also support the above in that my radar is shouting TANK!!!! Given that this model looks at 16 markets at the same time (including Gold, Oil, S&P, Dax and all the majors). It's quite difficult to ignore. You saw the chart I posted yesterday...right?

My Neural Nets also support the above in that my radar is shouting TANK!!!! Given that this model looks at 16 markets at the same time (including Gold, Oil, S&P, Dax and all the majors). It's quite difficult to ignore. You saw the chart I posted yesterday...right?

yep, I do agree with what you are saying mate but i've promised myself I will only trade the signals now. i'm getting ready, believe!!

that NN model sounds really interesting. like the way it factors everything in.


yep, I do agree with what you are saying mate but i've promised myself I will only trade the signals now. i'm getting ready, believe!!

that NN model sounds really interesting. like the way it factors everything in.


I respect that you are sticking to your plan like most of the best traders do...

I respect that you are sticking to your plan like most of the best traders do...

well i've been learning from one of the best....ahhh come ere you big lug!! hahaha

so hard to do tho isn't it (sticking to rules) have to battle the inner demons!! taken me years to truly understand and appreciate that and even then I still do silly stuff and let myself down. what makes my guts really churn is not when I lose....but when I lost by not following the system....another big NO NO is trying to jump to another system cause the usual one isn't performing....did that for ages too....feel like i'm on the brink of really understanding this game now....just hope I can keep consistant as there really isn't going to be spare cash at the end of the year (another one on the way) for losing on silly calls....

helps to have supportive missus too....


A supportive missus is so important. Ny woman is so cool about this I think I'm blessed although I do feel guilty about the amount of time I spend trading and researching.

Price is doing something!

Not following my system (I do follow several) drives me crazy...really...I go ape sh*t. I can take a loss but a loss due to not following through is too much. This is why I have to hold the short.

just got a go long signal....

well i've been learning from one of the best....ahhh come ere you big lug!! hahaha

so hard to do tho isn't it (sticking to rules) have to battle the inner demons!! taken me years to truly understand and appreciate that and even then I still do silly stuff and let myself down. what makes my guts really churn is not when I lose....but when I lost by not following the system....another big NO NO is trying to jump to another system cause the usual one isn't performing....did that for ages too....feel like i'm on the brink of really understanding this game now....just hope I can keep consistant as there really isn't going to be spare cash at the end of the year (another one on the way) for losing on silly calls....

helps to have supportive missus too....



A supportive missus is so important. Ny woman is so cool about this I think I'm blessed although I do feel guilty about the amount of time I spend trading and researching.

Price is doing something!

Not following my system (I do follow several) drives me crazy...really...I go ape sh*t. I can take a loss but a loss due to not following through is too much. This is why I have to hold the short.

just got a go long signal....

not taking it tho btw (one of the good things about not using EA) as the PA has moved a long way in a quick prob will go up a bit more BUT there isn't much value to be bought here, especially before BIG news!!

hold tight!!



my broker first delay my order @80 now context buy

just got a go long signal....

try your sysrem 1m?

my broker first delay my order @80 now context buy

Sorry. It happens to us all.