Eurusd/gbpusd - page 14



Gazmeistergeneral: - free file sharing and storage VERY good

Thank you i will check it out hope i can find the book i'm looking for


I went SHORT at 3970 and am still in trade with a a 27 pip stop as per my ATR indicator.....Notch why did you exit? Is it due to those blue bars on Vorticy?



Did you even look at this site?

Yes i didn't find the book and click on other book but it was't free

I went SHORT at 3970 and am still in trade with a a 27 pip stop as per my ATR indicator.....Notch why did you exit? Is it due to those blue bars on Vorticy?

Yes. 4 blue bars = exit.

Did you take the GU long?

Yes i didn't find the book and click on other book but it was't free

Which book do you want?

short @ 84

first move 85 to 14. 85,73, downto 67. 73,85up to 89. 85 down to 74. 85 up to 96(now).just watch how the no. act . 85, 73 look how many times returun.

first move 85 to 14. 85,73, downto 67. 73,85up to 89. 85 down to 74. 85 up to 96(now).just watch how the no. act . 85, 73 look how many times returun.

Avi, if you post your actual trades then people will be able to understand easier.


This book

Which book do you want?

Harmonic Trading of the Financial Markets: Volume Two

Harmonic Trading of the Financial Markets: Volume one

Will be really greatfull if i got them

Harmonic Trading of the Financial Markets: Volume Two

Harmonic Trading of the Financial Markets: Volume one

Will be really greatfull if i got them

Seems like an interesting book.


GU go to 6305 already!!!