My Forex Prediction using Advanced GET - page 127


EURUSD 2nd June 2010

Here is my guess for EU.

Looks like going up... Let's the EWO do the confirmation. Wahaha

Daily Chart

Wahaha.. EWO is going up. Target could be up till 1.25 to 1.30

H4 Chart

Let's wait & see for this chart. EWO is quite unclear.

H1 Chart

Seems to be going down.. But who knows. let the EWO do the talking.

M15 Chart

Hmmm... So unclear... let's wait & see for now.




GBPUSD 3rd June 2010

Here is my prediction today.

I feel that it will goes down first before going up again.. Reason is as below.

Daily Chart

EWO is getting nearer & nearer to level 0. So that's means this uptrend life span is coming to an end soon.

H4 Chart

It could goes as high as 1.50.. But I doubt it will goes to so high.

Why it will goes down is because of EWO. It is going down towards level 0. So that's means it is going down to form wave 4 before making the final move in wave 5.

I am targeting 1.46 to 1.45. So today trend could be going down in london & then late night.. going back up again to form a new high Wave 5.

H1 Chart

Looking at this chart. Before going down to form Wave 4 in H4.. H1 need to goes up a bit more before going down...

Anyway.. i will based on H4.. when H4 is going up... I will long today.

M15 Chart

It will still going down.. anyway, target it either exceed 1.48 or 1.475 for today.

Good luck to all.




EURUSD 3rd June 2010

Here is my guess today.

Daily Chart

Looks like going up.. Let's see today

H4 Chart

Seems going up.. But let's wait & see.

H1 Chart

H1 seems to be going up as well... EWO clearer show it is going up.. and even the EW counting also saying the same thing.

M15 Chart

And yet M15 says it will goes down first before going up... We will see.....




GBPUSD 4th June 2010

Today is a bit busy.

Wahaha.. Pls decide for yourself today.

Daily Chart

It is still going up in this EWO.

H4 Chart

H1 Chart

M15 Chart




EURUSD 4th June 2010

My guess today...

Is to wait for EWO signal.. Wahhaha.. Actually, today working.. so busy.

Daily Chart

H4 Chart

H1 Chart

M15 Chart

Please make a guess today... I more on long.. But H4 EWO tells me it will goes down first before going up...




GBPUSD 8th June 2010

Hi, Sorry about yesterday, I am too busy with my job so unable to post.

So I am sorry for not posting yesterday.

Here is my guess today for this pair.

Daily Chart

Today, EWO is coming down for daily chart. Seems that it a small retracement. I could be wrong. Anyway, will know the answer tomolo or wednesday.

On the fibo retracement and extension, please do not worry.. trying out something new. Will explain in due time.

H4 Chart

EWO is going up today, seems to be going for level 0.

So I think today, might be going up.. I am more bias to long today with target 1.47

But if it goes down, it will be target of 1.40

Trying something new today with fibo.. Let's see how accurate.

H1 Chart

EWO is going up.. So until London session open.. then me will decide to goes in or not.

M15 Chart

Same for this EWO.. It is still going up..

Good luck today.. Trade at your own risk.




EURUSD 8th June 2010

Here is my guess today.

Daily Chart

EWO seems coming down.. So I am still thinking is it retracement or continue to complete wave 3 as per the chart says.

H4 Chart

EWO is going up here. So if it is really going to level 0.. That's means it will goes up more with target 1.225 or 1.25....

H1 Chart

EWO is still going up here...

M15 Chart

EWO is still going down.. so most likely for a small retracement before going up.

let's see.. Green pips for all.... Good Luck




GBPUSD 9th June 2010

Here is my guess today.

Think GU is going to break out soon to downside if tomolo.

Daily Chart

EWO is going down.... So 1.40 could be my target if it is real.

But, I need at least 1 more day to confirm if it is really going down.

H4 Chart

It seems that it is going down in H4.. But if it going up, I will be aiming for 1.452 to 1.47

H1 Chart

EWO is going down.

M15 Chart

Let's see what will EWO tells us when london session open later.




EURUSD 9th June 2010

Here is my guess today.

Daily Chart

EWO is going down..So I think it will goes down if this EWO is true.

H4 Chart

EWO is still moving up. So will only start selling when H4 changes signal.

H1 Chart

M15 Chart

Let's see what the EWO will say today.. Good luck all.




My Trades for 9th June 2010

204608 2010.06.09 01:17 sell 0.10 eurusd 1.19365 1.20038 1.18865 2010.06.09 01:32 1.19493 -0.60 0.00 0.00 -12.80

205030 2010.06.09 08:09 buy 0.10 eurusd 1.19626 1.19826 1.20126 2010.06.09 11:20 1.19826 -0.60 0.00 0.00 20.00

205228 2010.06.09 09:56 buy 0.10 gbpusd 1.44659 1.44859 1.45159 2010.06.09 10:20 1.44852 -0.60 0.00 0.00 19.30

205306 2010.06.09 10:56 buy 0.10 gbpusd 1.44758 1.44958 1.45258 2010.06.09 11:41 1.44958 -0.60 0.00 0.00 20.00

205320 2010.06.09 11:21 buy 0.10 eurusd 1.19805 1.20005 1.20305 2010.06.09 12:56 1.20001 -0.60 0.00 0.00 19.60

205416 2010.06.09 11:55 buy 0.10 gbpusd 1.45022 1.45222 1.45522 2010.06.09 12:44 1.45210 -0.60 0.00 0.00 18.80

206177 2010.06.09 16:50 sell 0.10 eurusd 1.20446 1.22390 1.19946 2010.06.09 17:09 1.20402 -0.60 0.00 0.00 4.40

206312 2010.06.09 17:58 sell 0.10 gbpusd 1.45729 1.45529 1.45229 2010.06.09 18:42 1.45529 -0.60 0.00 0.00 20.00

I did follow my rules... for all the buy until the sell, which I sold when murrey is at 7/8. So both of them are counter trend trades.

