My Forex Prediction using Advanced GET - page 95


How to trade.

Am I worth to teach my knowledge and experience?

To share our decision taking process to trade is tempting. To show the whole analysis and the decision making is something i always wanted to do but when i get to it, many reasons are stopping me doing so.

The question that come first is: What is the motivation? Isn't it an egocentric trip? Is what i have to share is valid anyway?

Yes i am able to triple an account in one month, but I am also able to loose it all in two day. Why? Because my decisions become flawed by fear and mostly greed. We're all doing the same error, mistaking a reversal for a dip-rally or vice/versa is our worst enemy. Does it makes me a bad example?

Greed is what keep us holding a bad trade too long, fear is what make us closing a good trade too early. Greed can also let you hold a good trade for too long, fear can also make you close a "would win" loosing trade too fast. Mastering these two emotions is a big challenge but only a part of the equation.

I could probably sum up all my trading knowledge in one phrase. But the details would most probably fill a book.

Won't it be more fun if you find it by yourself? Trading is a wonderful learning process, where you learn to know lot's of stuff. Specially your own self... It's all about the journey, not the destination that count.

If you're still curious, i tried to explain how i am trading on my blog. It's a discretionary system. I don't believe in non-judgmental trading system. These system can work for a while but are all doom to fail after some time.

The blog is a work in progress, and also an experiment with some adsense banners to see if this thing work but i don't expect to get rich with it.


Forex Trading - A Case for Case Studies and their Purpose

Today case studies are commonly used in the field of education, law, medical, scientific, etc. And why not also use such a method for educating newbies in forex trading.

We do not have to be trading experts to present our own trades for the purpose of discussion. It is to clarify, define and understand the “hows” and “whys” of what we did in our trades.

It is not so much with the intention of taking the opportunity to brag our trades (because we would also have experienced setbacks as well); if that is our motive, then we are living in a world of self-deception.

It is rather to learn what is it that works, and even if it works, are there any flaws in our approach. In my own case, I still feel somewhat uncomfortable about those winning trades and skeptical it can continue to produce consistent profitable results?? And using them here in this thread will provide me the opportunity to learn from experienced traders.

In any issues there are always advantages and disadvantages even in the use of case studies.

Advantages: Here we deal with actual trades, not hypothetical trades which will not serve any purpose.

It provides a great amount of description and detail about the trade. And they present opportunities for other readers who could not otherwise have. It also facilitates other traders to compare their own timing approach against that presented in the case study.

The Chief Disadvantage is that the results might not generalize to others – that is to say the experience of one person might not apply to other persons. We do learn a lot about one case but does the research apply to a larger population?

And very often, one case study will lead to additional studies as further issues are raised.

We are here to learn and we hope there will be experienced traders who will come forward to point out to us where we are wrong and what are the weaknesses of our trades.

Thank you and MERRY X'MAS TO ALL.



Nice thread. I will try to contribute to this thread as I use the Ad. Get for my trades.


4h road map if price will not make new low

eurusd.gif  89 kb

1h possible senario

eurusd1h.gif  65 kb

I must say that the above are just possible senarios. When i take a trade i use MT4 system when PA favours my road map on the relevant fib, mob, S/R .. levels.

I must say that the above are just possible senarios. When i take a trade i use MT4 system when PA favours my road map on the relevant fib, mob, S/R .. levels.

Hello baslmch, Thanks for the chart. What do you mean by mob? Also could you please tell how to display two different colour sets in GET chart (i.e. you candlesticks show blue, white, black and red). Keep those charts coming.



MOB (make or break) , The different colours is the XTL tool of the software.