My Forex Prediction using Advanced GET - page 62

Then I set both MT to daily and opened the chart as daily in Elwave and get the picture below. As you can see, the analysis for daily is totally different to what I posted yesterday. Would greatly appreciate if anybody can say how I should set up Elwave tieup with MT.

Let's say you use 1000 bars for daily analisys and 24000 bours on a hourly analisys, what will be the outcome?

My Transaction Today - GBPJPY

After putting up my post, I SOLD at 142.27 and bought back at 141.85, making a gain of 42 pips or US$472.12 within 1 hr 28 min.

This currency pair is performing "true to its form" according to GET's Sell Signal and according to its chart pattern since it displayed a Primary Wave [3] Down.

Later I shall attach details of my trade.


My Transaction Today - GBPJPY

After putting up my post, I SOLD at 142.27 and bought back at 141.85, making a gain of 42 pips or US$472.12 within 1 hr 28 min.

This currency pair is performing "true to its form" according to GET's Sell Signal and according to its chart pattern since it displayed a Primary Wave [3] Down.

Later I shall attach details of my trade.


Attached is the file containing the transactions.


My Second Trade Today - GBPUSD

My Second trade today was GBPUSD which I sold at 1.5956 and bought back at 1.5932 making a gain of 24 pips or US$240.00 within 7 hours 7 mins.

Although GET did not give any Sell signals on this currency pair, the Elliott Wave chart from GET shows it is in Primary Wave [3] DOWN and my comments were "Continue to SHORT. It is ONLY THE BEGINNING."

So for today, my 2 trades total a gain of 66 pips or US$712.12;

I am calling it a day and off to sleep. Tomorrow shall attach details of my transactions.


Let's say you use 1000 bars for daily analisys and 24000 bours on a hourly analisys, what will be the outcome?

Interesting question. I have attached the results of the analysis. Daily and 24K of hourly are not straightaway comparable. The wave charateristics and wave degrees are different between the two.

My Transaction Today - GBPJPY

After putting up my post, I SOLD at 142.27 and bought back at 141.85, making a gain of 42 pips or US$472.12 within 1 hr 28 min.

This currency pair is performing "true to its form" according to GET's Sell Signal and according to its chart pattern since it displayed a Primary Wave [3] Down.

Later I shall attach details of my trade.


Elwave says that it has started Wave 2 of Extension 3. Looks like we are in the period where it is turning from wave 1 to 2. I would think that it will start correcting upwards from tomorrow. Chart attached.


Another thing that I have noticed between Elwave and GET is that GET seems to be a bit early in things. Kenneth's chart of today is showing that it is in Wave 4 of 3, whereas Elwave is saying it is Wave 2 of 3. I have noticed in another instance that GET was saying it is in Extended Wave 5, whereas Elwave was saying it is Extended Wave 3. Looks like we also need to study the wave personalities and decide which impulse wave it is. There is a nice chapter in Pretcher book on Wave personalities.

Answers to Gann68uk Questions

Although I do not have Elwave software anymore as it is corrupted, there should be no problem in answering gann68uk's questions this Sat evening.

It is good for readers to reconcile (1) the differences between GET and Elwave and (2) differences WITHIN ELWAVE itself, otherwise readers may be led to wrong conclusions.

I can only try my best to explain.
