My Forex Prediction using Advanced GET - page 20

I need urgent help from my readers.

My Get software has been infected with Trojan Horse Generic 14 UUU.

How can I remove this trojan horse? I shall be in problem if my Get software is not functioning.

Any help, please.



Did you got rid of it? I personnally use Free Avast antivirus and also Malwarebyte' anti-malware (free also) wich have saved my a$$ more then a couple times.

Did you got rid of it? I personnally use Free Avast antivirus and also Malwarebyte' anti-malware (free also) wich have saved my a$$ more then a couple times.

Thanks, GreatYves. Time and time again you have come to my aid whenever I encounter software problems.

It was also very good to see your posting of the 1 hour chart on EURUSD with details of the Wave Degrees (Time Frames), Wave Structure, Targets, Exit Prices, Reward, Risk and Risk/Reward ratios.

This is a weakness that Aget does not have, and I hope you can continue to post such charts in this thread, as this chart is more meaningful. As at present, readers (including myself) have no means to analyze the Elliott Wave structures in more in-depths.

As far as I am concerned, it does not matter to me who posts the charts as we are all interested in Elliott Wave charts (no matter which software it is from) that can give us a clearer picture of the direction of the market.

Hopefully through your contribution to this thread, this will become even more popular with readers.



Here's and Hourly eurusd chart with analysis. Comment's welcome.

The EURUSD has retraced FR 0.618 and its last 1-hour bar has now gone back above that level, which technically is a good sign.

The stochastics do show it is in an oversold position. The chart shows it is in an uptrend and the current pullback is a retracement. The trading rule is BUY ON DIPS in a bull trend, and since it has touched the norm of 61.8%, you can LONG this currency pair.

The target of 200 over pips is reasonable enough and the Risk/Reward ratio is a good number.

However, if you are a short-term trader, I always suggest lock in your profits when it has touched a reasonable sum (this being subjective as it differs from individual to individual).

Remember my remarks in an earlier posting - in forex market, it can be a tale of two cities - now your profits are there; next it may not be there. Money in your pocket is better than in the street.

Attached is an 1-hr MT4 chart for reference.



Risk Aversion and Risk Appetite


Thank you for your article, it is a nice reading. Again, I mostly agree with your consequences.

The only difference between our opinions comes from your earlier post when you came to the point that the US economy is not in the state of the durable and intensive boom yet, consequently you will short on USD.

I would agree with that if Risk Aversion and Risk Appetite did not distort the picture. But they do, so I think when investors discover that the US economy is not as healthy as they thought then Risk Aversion comes into play again and USD will be stronger against EUR and GBP but weaker against JPY.




Thank you for your article, it is a nice reading. Again, I mostly agree with your consequences.

The only difference between our opinions comes from your earlier post when you came to the point that the US economy is not in the state of the durable and intensive boom yet, consequently you will short on USD.

I would agree with that if Risk Aversion and Risk Appetite did not distort the picture. But they do, so I think when investors discover that the US economy is not as healthy as they thought then Risk Aversion comes into play again and USD will be stronger against EUR and GBP but weaker against JPY.




Hi, Chrisstoff:

I have taken note of your comments especially about USD/JPY which will then become the candidate for shorting.

It is always good to listen to what other readers have to say.

As a matter of fact, these 3 currency pairs are always on my Watchlist. They are my favorite plays.

Thanks and regards



I know what Crisstoff want to say, on the short term, a crash in stock market means, selling stock-->> buying US. The immediate actions is that US go UP due to liquidity shortage. But on the long term the reverse effect happen since investors looks for safe havens to their cash liquidity. Then the market become (will become) overflown with US liqudity. Theirs so much cash around that the US WILL go down. It's simply the law of offer and demand.

It might be simply be said but that's the way i understand it.


Here`s a free 10 page PDF from Robert Prechter about recent market events. He's thinks that it`s deflation that gonna happen.



Elliot Wave

Here's another pdf document from EWI wich is a good starter to learn Elliot Wave principle.

