I wrote an EA ! ???


I am a new member here and this is my first thread. If your wondering why its my first there is a simple answer, I just learned how to post a thread. I have been having the same problems learning not only the MQL4 programming but Forex Trading as well.

My question for persons with experience is: Is there a way to process my EA line by line so I can see what the heck I did wrong?

I did follow as many instructions and rules as I could remember in my programming. It only took me a day to correct my errors and warnings while compiling. But still I did something wrong, when I run a back test I get nothing but ... 0 ... and since this is my first EA this might be good since my actual total losses would also be 0. Please help if you can.

I am a new member here and this is my first thread. If your wondering why its my first there is a simple answer, I just learned how to post a thread. I have been having the same problems learning not only the MQL4 programming but Forex Trading as well.

My question for persons with experience is: Is there a way to process my EA line by line so I can see what the heck I did wrong?

I did follow as many instructions and rules as I could remember in my programming. It only took me a day to correct my errors and warnings while compiling. But still I did something wrong, when I run a back test I get nothing but ... 0 ... and since this is my first EA this might be good since my actual total losses would also be 0. Please help if you can.

When your backtesting, click the "journal" tab. There should be some errors listed. An example would be "error 130" . If you could list those here, we could help. Otherwise unless you post the EA, it's impossible to know.


Thank you Jturns23

I looked at the journal and it tells me the inputs it loaded (I think) and that the file loaded successfully. I will try to attach it here for your review.

Well I'm a real genius I can't even find my EA file.


I wrote an EA! (thread2)???

Well this is me again, still learning not only MQL4 but how to post Threads in a Forum. Jturns23 I am going to try again and post my first EA here and let you and other get a good laugh and see if you can tell me where I am going wrong.

omg_wtf.mq4  7 kb

First of all, no one is here to "laugh" at someone trying to learn something. On the contrary, at least you are trying. So applause, applause !

MQL isn't the most difficult language, but it's not the easiest either. It's based on the C language, so maybe reading up on C could help.

I've never found the debug function, which doesn't help. When clicking on errors, it only shows you where they are but barely explains what the problem might be. I've spent countless hours trying to figure out what was wrong (and am still are) so don't give up!

Good luck,




I had a look at your code; Had to make assumtions about your logic; as I think there was errors in it. All my assumtions are noted in the code.

Made other changes as it (I assumed again) a learning exersise for you. I use a lot of white space in my code as I dont look so good. That is, my eyes dont see so good.

I have not tested it or even run the code, as the markets are currently closed. So they will most likely be some mistakes that I missed or introduced myself. let me know if you find any.
