SHOCKING Broker info


I don't know if I am allowed to post a specific website/broker, but, this seems EXTREMELY important. Heck, I haven't found an EA yet that really works, and began questioning the whole process.

I am not selling anything here, just wondering, as a 6 month old newbie, WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON? I am just trying to get a good EA, and... what, I can trade like the banks do?

This is an Institutional Trader who bypasses all brokers . I used to write the front page, and I questioned him at length. I quote:

"Most brokers, as soon as you deposit your money see it as theirs, and you will never see it again. They are rogues." He is a British Trader who only works with Lots/100,000 dollars vs Macro/10,000 or Micro/1,000. He was so concerned about me getting an EA,

"Frankly, if you want to put up 5,000 dollars here and use a robot, I would rather you go somewhere else. Most of them are trash and you can just kiss your money good bye." You can open an account for 100.00, he suggests you trade yourself. My opinion is, no human can read 40 signals simultaneously and make lightning responses like a confuser Laughing ...ah, computer can.

I quote his opening statement:


If you are happy with your current Broker and you sleep well at night then you may want to look away now as the information contained within our site may make you slightly less comfortable with your existing arrangements.

In A Nutshell: We are a group of autotraders who created a Brokerage for ourselves to get the absolute best trading environment.

What is a Pure Trading Environment: In order to succeed as a trader, you need two things. First you need pure prices that are not altered to hunt your stops or alter your results. Second you need the best Institutional pricing and spreads. For example, our EURUSD spreads are usually around 1/2 pip wide during normal liquidity times (yes, you read that right, 1/2 a pip wide), and around 1 pip in other times. We pay no additional commissions and members only pay a flat monthly fee to help cover costs.

Why Did We Do It: Frankly, it's the only way to make money trading Forex, on pure quotes and razor thin spreads. Since we couldn't find these prices anywhere else, we decided to create our own Brokerage so we could control and guarantee our pricing. We are all traders here, and we use the exact same spreads and pricing for our own autotrading and system trades. By sharing with other traders, our bargaining power goes up, and we negotiate our spreads down even more."

He goes into detail.


We are never ever a counterparty to your trades. We never trade against you.


We never ever stop hunt, price delay or use other predatory practices. We ourselves are too busy trading : - )


No commissions either directly, or in-directly by widening spreads.


We never ever widen, move, shift, adulterate, alter or just plain mess around with quotes and spreads. What you see is what we get. Period.


Your funds are always held in Institutional Accounts at Fully Regulated Liquidity Providers such as UBS, Deutsche Bank, Saxo, Hot Spot, FXCM, Currenex, etc.


You always get a PURE PRICE QUOTE exactly the way we get it. We personally trade the exact same quotes you do.


You always get PURE PASS THROUGH for your orders. They are sent directly to the liquidity provider at the current quote with no hanky-panky.

So, can I post this guy? He charges to use his system.


please clarify


Interesting info, I am not surprised at all to be hones

Can you clarify is this a broker or a service that you are talking about?





I can't PM you unfortunatelly, but I can provide you an email even here if you would please share such informations with me if not publically.

I'm very very very interested




Is this some collectiveFX/onecorp spam again?

Your friend sounds like he's selling something. If you want a broker who doesn't trade against you, all you need is to get a reliable ECN that has been on business for long time (mbtrading, interactive brokers are few for example)

edit: I googled some text from your message and yes, it's from collectiveFX advertisement - there is already a thread about them here unfortunately the guy who was one of the founders (or only founder, as there is no info anywhere about them I'm not so sure if that's really a one man operation) didn't want to answer questions and left when questions went too specific (like why their demo connects to certain other brokers who definitely are bucket shops).


Whoever wants to read something similar to this (a quoted sentence from the first post of this thread) : "In A Nutshell: We are a group of autotraders who created a Brokerage for ourselves to get the absolute best trading environment" and the rest from that message goes on like this, can go to allecoh's famous 200 pip thread and read a tons of same stuff.

Does anyone need a reminder how did that "enterprise" end?


Keep your hand over your wallet while slowly backing away...


... what's this?



Where doooo I find ECN brokers?


Someone saying they will not widden the spread is a liar.

One reason for that: spread widden and that's about it. Just before news release, big shark do not trade and there is no liquidity. Without them, the spread increases.



mbtrading is good choice of ECN broker


Forex Indicators Collection


PFG Best seems to be very good.

PFG = Peregrine Financial Group. Futures Broker, FOREX, Options, Alternative Investments -

Dukascopy is also reputed to be very good. l But they require large initial deposit.