Advanced Reverse Signal Processing : 785 - page 2


Hello Weirdgod. The signals are not FIFO compliant. Attaching screen shot from my small live account with Alpari US.

fifoerror.jpg  208 kb

Sorry for big image, no clue how to scarle it down.

Hello Weirdgod. The signals are not FIFO compliant. Attaching screen shot from my small live account with Alpari US.

Try Alpari Russia



thanks for your testing, and sorry for problems.

It seems that my modifications of the algorithm, do in fact allow some overlapping trades.

So, FOR NOW consider signal not FIFO compliant.

I will create a new signal that will do just one trade per day, and hopefully it will be approved within few days.




From today, a new signal Advanced Reverse Signal Processing NFA Compliant ia available!

With recent NFA regulations regarding FIFO and Non-hedging, and my recent tweaking (aug 15-20) of the algorithm to trade more frequently, my crown jewel signal ARSP (Advanced Reverse Signal Processing | Rent a Signal) is now non-NFA compliant.

As a solution, I created a simpler version of (new) ARSP algorithm. This one will honor all the NFA rules, and will only have ONE active trade at any time. (this way, there will be no hedging, and no problem with closing first orders first)...

For ongoing live stats see here: MT4 Stats - Share your MetaTrader 4 Statements with the world

You can check/buy signal here: Advanced Reverse Signal Processing NFA-COMPLIANT | Rent a Signal

Since it is trading less frequently, I lowered the price to $9/month, and there is a 7-day free trial available.

Advanced Reverse Signal Processing NFA-COMPLIANT (21167) is compliant with NFA Non-Hedging and FIFO Rules.

It works with any broker, regardless of your base currency and country.


If you want better results, I suggest you find yourself a forex broker that has internal solutions to NFA rules (FXDD is the only one I am aware of in US) or open an account with non-US brokers (, Alpari UK, Alpari Russia...) and use Advanced Reverse Signal Processing | Rent a Signal ...




i am live with you can you please contact me my email is thank you i just want to ask about the new ea and when you contact me put the headline trading so i will know it is from you



Sent you the email...

But for future reference:

1. it is a bad idea to post your email address in public forums (spam people will get it and your email box will be filled with crap)

2. you can ask anything ARSP and ARSP NFA related here in this thread.

3. if you absolutely need to ask something in private - use a PM (private message) function of this forum.



p.s. as you have seen ARSP got two bad trades in a row last week. this is due to my agressive settings and goal to have more trades... I am revising a take profit target of robot, so such excessive negative trades should be prevented in future.



Have you done something to the way orders are filled?

I'm not getting orders placed anymore as of yesterday.

"Ordersend Error: 130 - invalid stops."

It means your stop is too close to the buy price when the order is placed.


Hello there,

no, no changes in last 10 days.

can you see in the Journal of MT4 any other more elaborate message?

Anyone else experienced strange behavior?

