RAS Signal accuracy


How accurate are the Signals from RAS executed in your subscriber accounts?




Just curious. What is your conclusion after your poll..............



My conclusion is based not on the poll, but on extensive subscriber research:

The execution of RAS signals depends to the greatest extend on:

1.What broker is the subscriber using

2.Is the subscriber exposed to requotes

3.At what location is the subscriber platform running, specially a VPS or a home PC. This greatly influences the latency time and therefore the order execution

4.At what location is the signal vendor PC

5.A question arises: At what location/country is the RAS server

So, signal accuracy has nothing to do with the type of system per se, more of the trading conditions of each subscriber.

So my advice is:

1.Check the latency time from the PC of your platform to your broker.

If >70ms, use VPS for live trading.

2.Stay away from Bucket shops like IBFX,Alpari,FXDD and many others

3.Lastly, stay away from NFA, which means, do not use any US broker.

To the RAS developers: Show a server adress on the RAS webpage to test the latency time
