Jurik Spandex bands - page 2


for nothing?

i am agree with you but at the moment i play too much for nothing!

For nothing? Play with the visual tester,put 3 of these with different settings..

CASE1:One of the settings works better than the others...man,use it.

CASE2:None works..man,you have learnt..congratulations.


a simba it's not your thread !

i want only see some example ...why a person need to use it ?


sponfeed me the truth

a simba it's not your thread !

i want only see some example ...why a person need to use it ?

This is not my thread? Man,what an interesting comment,should I decide to pursue this venue...

I don`t see why a person needs to use this indicator,as I told you I don`t use it...but if you want to see some examples you should invest your time,and avoid asking everybody and his uncle to demonstrate the wonders of the indicator,try not to ask everybody else to sponfeed you,just take your time to thank mystified and igorad-which you still haven`t done- and do your homework or forget about it...

This is not my thread? Man,what an interesting comment,should I decide to pursue this venue...

I don`t see why a person needs to use this indicator,as I told you I don`t use it...but if you want to see some examples you should invest your time,and avoid asking everybody and his uncle to demonstrate the wonders of the indicator,try not to ask everybody else to sponfeed you,just take your time to thank mystified and igorad-which you still haven`t done- and do your homework or forget about it...

sorry but have you drunk ?

i ask something not to you but to everyone...

i think i had ask something so simple and so ordinary, everyone in this forum ask same things...so what's your problem Simba samba (i joke don't be angry ) ?

I tried many times this indi, and as i want understand everything i ask to someone to explain me the right use...

that's all


btw. guys, if you have good unrepainting bands - do you have adequate version of standalone jma itself (w/o libraries, includes, dlls, etc)

in Jurik thread - there is only standalong jma Spiggy -good; all Weld-based jmas -... no good ...


Doc Favela

sorry but have you drunk ?

i ask something not to you but to everyone...

i think i had ask something so simple and so ordinary, everyone in this forum ask same things...so what's your problem Simba samba (i joke don't be angry ) ?

I tried many times this indi, and as i want understand everything i ask to someone to explain me the right use...

that's all

Simba,samba?...Applause for Dr House...man ,you really overworked your synapses on that one.



Just FYI:

You can find the description of Jurik Smoothing algorithm in Elite Section and simplified version of JMA - JurikFilter.

btw. guys, if you have good unrepainting bands - do you have adequate version of standalone jma itself (w/o libraries, includes, dlls, etc) in Jurik thread - there is only standalong jma Spiggy -good; all Weld-based jmas -... no good ...
jtools_1.gif  17 kb
Just FYI: You can find the description of Jurik Smoothing algorithm in Elite Section and simplified version of JMA - JurikFilter.

sure, thank you Igor - but Elite Section

on publick forum we still have only jma velosity and turbo jma (Weld based?) - and that's not good

would be great to update those versions


Simba samba

Simba,samba?...Applause for Dr House...man ,you really overworked your synapses on that one. Ciao

Asta la vista !

keep your insults for yourself next time (i'm talking about your "doc favela" )

ciao caro

Hi mystified,

I'm a bit surprised why you haven't asked me to make that, because it's very easy to delete a few pieces of code from JurikVolty or JurikFilter.

Besides I have been obliged to remove from your version some unnecessary pieces of a code.



Hi Igorad,

I was little shy to ask .Thank you for the revised version, very kind of you.