MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal - page 24


Is just me or in MT5 pay spread also when close order?

Open a order, let's say a buy.

Close that order.

Now look in history, it say you open a sell with same lot size... and this cancelled your initial buy...

One of the best things about MT4 is the ability to use multi-timeframe indicators. Using Keris and Igorad's code as a template, I can convert any indicator I want to a multi-timeframe indicator, even with my limited programming skills. Not all platforms have the ability to do this (Ninjatrader cannot, although I hear NT7 will have this capability). If you look at the multi-timeframe indicator thread started by Keris, it is one of the largest and longest running threads on this forum. I'm disappointed that MT5 will not be backwards compatible with MT4, but I hope that it will have the same multi-timeframe capability as MT4, and hopefully will be as easily implemented. It would be even better if it was built-in natively to the platform, without even having to code a seperate indicator for it.

i agree with you.

I just imagine the number of work that has been done on the mt4 platform.Does it mean that all indicators and experts coded on the mt4 platforms will have to be recoded again into mt5?This would really be a whole lot of problems and work.Please why dont't you make it easy to convert mt4 platforms to mt5 platforms.dont allow clients to go through rigorous overhauling.

Lenar, Do something about this.

What made microsoft great was easy use of their guys may be loosing clients if you're not careful.we all are open to change but not one that would not cynergize with its predecessor.

exactly! This is so true . . .


mt4 and mt5

i think that like what happened to microsoft will happen with metatrader .

Looks like it will give us options which version to use will be more comfortable with our style.

Like what happened with the use of xp, vista . . . etc.

good luck traders!

i think that like what happened to microsoft will happen with metatrader .

Looks like it will give us options which version to use will be more comfortable with our style.

Like what happened with the use of xp, vista . . . etc.

good luck traders!

How can? You can run the same software on XP, Vista and Win7. You can't run the same code on MT4 and MT5. MT4 is unique, MT5 will be probably Ninja bis.


this mt5 is the worst piece of shit ever. Time to look for another trading system metatrader you can suck my @#$@#$ for being a rip off.

this mt5 is the worst piece of shit ever. Time to look for another trading system metatrader you can suck my @#$@#$ for being a rip off.

I second that!


This is not an Upgrade, this is downgrade.

Speed wont replace all the feature MT4 have......

They give 1 and remove 10 or 1000, and they want us to be happy.

Like in city tax....

This is a broker platform, not a user one anymore....

A comercial things and MT? have loose their roots: users happiness....

What money can do those days....


This is a broker platform, not a user one anymore....

Totally agree with you, MT5 is developed in favor of broker side, not trader side, so, don't expect that MQ company will change its strategy, period.


Mt4 - mt5

I hope metaquotes plans to continue both MT4 and MT5 as different products, instead of killing MT4. The story shoul not have to be same as MT3.

MT4 having it's own power. MQL4 and tester have become stable.

MQL4 should live for 10's of years. And lot structure of MT4 also another tradition for us.

MT5 is compatible with Level II. But, Lot structure change could be an option.

So, many experts will be able to migrated to MT5. I'm using multiple pieces of entries, and all independent. If they combined in MT5, it will make difficult to manage order pieces.

I could never stop changing my expert codes, during years. This is making a big gun, useless. I have to stop changing codes. This is forcing me to go outside of MT4.

I hope MQL4 lives for many years, and MT4 Lot structure can live in MT5, as an option for forex (using server side queues/order time shifts etc.)




Strategy Tester, 4/5 Digit


I want to report a behaviour of strategy tester to Metaquotes developers.

Some experts was testing very good on 4 digit MT4 broker/data and on real trades they were good. When 5 digit introduced, tester did not succeed on tests. Although real trades are going well.

Currently, since I can not rely on 5 digit tests, I'm using 4 digit brokers/data for testing.. That is more stable..