40-100 pips per day – LIVE TRADING with SimpleScalp - page 7


Come on buddy

Why are we selling something that "already topped being offered"?

Hey Pippersnapper,

I'm not to sure if you are saying that there is no intention to eventually sell something, BUT......i am going to assume you are saying just that.

I know and was involved with the very person behind this thread on another forum that didn't end well. I am not saying you won't learn a thing or 2 from Danny, but what i am saying is be CAREFUL parting from your money!!!

I am not trying to bash anyone, just some friendly advice and caution thats all....sometimes things or PEOPLE are not as they seem.

So don't bulls@#t yourself if you are saying there is no intention to sell something;)



from the beginning of my journey back in 06 til now, I have seen atleast 50 -100 of these Lead to service forums......

Heres a strategy. Its Great. Come Join. But its costs x amount of dollars.

now if you check on this guys link, you get some bs info.


i will try...

thanks for your sharing off this sistem



Thanks for sharing this great system,I will try it for a while on my demo account.


How can I join the Live Room

Please add me so I can see live trades in the room that was mention in the first two pages of this forum.


Long Time No See

Hi all,

Sorry but there is no longer live session.

However, I have a special offer that maybe you want to receive.

There are 2 live trading rooms you can join now!

Please PM with your email address. That way you cannot receive spam.


You can directly email me now to insider1111@fastmail.fm


put the live room in YOUTUBE, so we could watch how accurate are you every day


Sorry, Our rooms is private room.


live trade rooms

What do you want income,currency,or whatever other names you have, i see you are going around all the forums again after so long wanting people to pm youthere email addresses for info to the live trade rooms,give us the websites so we may check for ourselves.


[lang=de]Great System!

Thanks for sharing [/lang]