Market symmetry or simple discretional method (SDM).


Hi all.

Thats my first post... Finally

First of all, I'm glad to be here. Very nice forum, and almost all of you are here.

Second, english is not my native language. So I'm sorry for mistakes I'll do somewhere.

Ok. Let's go.

I find two weeks ago interesting pattern. I think we can use it for profitable trading.

But system that I found with this pattern is discretional. Hope u all can understand it.

First example is current situation on EURUSD. (Then I'll post more examples from history charts).

See pics below.

To be continued at next post.

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Last two.

Last two pics for todays EURUSD. After that I'll post examples from the past.

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This is very interesting ideas. Please provide more sample charts.

Thank you


And the indicators & template that you are using for this system....thanks!