IMax Indicator - page 18


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Dear Wiley,

You have received a new private message at Forex Trading from xard777, entitled "re".

To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here:

This is the message that was sent:


Hi Wiley,

I would like to say thank you for all your work on the iMAXhpMTF indicator, you have done an amazing job in creating the code which allowed me to complete my own work.

I apologise if I have upset you to the point of taking it out on other forum members which as you well know is childish on your part.

There is nothing I can say or do that will change your challenged way of thinking so I will not even try, instead I just wish to say thanks for your part in helping me complete a long overdue task that had been hounding me for several years now.

So Wiley, I thank you

All the best and I hope you have a prosperouse and healthy future.



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All the best,

Forex Trading

Stop the harassment... I am leaving because you waste more of my time than I have to spare for the benefit of others... and no one prevented that here... so this is not the place for me to contribute... I will do so elsewhere, and if you follow me xard777.... to continue interferring in my work on behalf of others... it just proves that you are stalker.... as well a harasser, and hopefully I will go somewhere to do my work... which will be available to others... but, where they have a real community that keeps people who behave as you do... at bay. So, if you really are thankful... stay away from me... and no you haven't stopped my volunteerism... it just gets done where there an evironment that encourages the positive side of that... but so far not here!

Now as far as I am concerned... it is you that owe something to people here, that is lost to them on your account... can you make it up to them??? I was about to release some nice tools... so I think you owe it to them to build them yourself, but I don't think you the ability, or even the priority to do so... because you spend so much of it harassing people rather than learning how to code... and you need to learn a lot before you should be arguing with me about anything code related. But you do anyway... because it is you who has challenges... stop the harassesment, if this is not true...



Dear Wiley,

You have received a new private message at Forex Trading from xard777, entitled "re".

To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here:

This is the message that was sent:


Hi Wiley,

I would like to say thank you for all your work on the iMAXhpMTF indicator, you have done an amazing job in creating the code which allowed me to complete my own work.

I apologise if I have upset you to the point of taking it out on other forum members which as you well know is childish on your part.

There is nothing I can say or do that will change your challenged way of thinking so I will not even try, instead I just wish to say thanks for your part in helping me complete a long overdue task that had been hounding me for several years now.

So Wiley, I thank you

All the best and I hope you have a prosperouse and healthy future.



Again, please do not reply to this email. You must go to the following page to reply to this private message:

All the best,

Forex Trading

Stop the harassment... I am leaving because you waste more of my time than I have to spare for the benefit of others... and no one prevented that here... so this is not the place for me to contribute... I will do so elsewhere, and if you follow me xard777.... to continue interferring in my work on behalf of others... it just proves that you are stalker.... as well a harasser, and hopefully I will go somewhere to do my work... which will be available to others... but, where they have a real community that keeps people who behave as you do... at bay. So, if you really are thankful... stay away from me... and no you haven't stopped my volunteerism... it just gets done where there an evironment that encourages the positive side of that... but so far not here!

Now as far as I am concerned... it is you that owe something to people here, that is lost to them on your account... can you make it up to them??? I was about to release some nice tools... so I think you owe it to them to build them yourself, but I don't think you the ability, or even the priority to do so... because you spend so much of it harassing people rather than learning how to code... and you need to learn a lot before you should be arguing with me about anything code related. But you do anyway... because it is you who has challenges... stop the harassesment, if this is not true...

Wiley, are you sure your mental health is OK ?

The message Xard send you, is so cute and kind, i don't see wrong anywhere ?


Hi Big Joe,

It was a genuine thank you on my behalf.

see my personal blog


I will post in this thread no more

All the best


Wiley... You complain because I make a ref to your code in public and that I should pm you and when I do pm you, you make it that's a challenged mind

Hi Big Joe,

It was a genuine thank you on my behalf.

see my personal blog


I will post in this thread no more

All the best


Wiley... You complain because I make a ref to your code in public and that I should pm you and when I do pm you, you make it that's a challenged mind

No problem

Bookmarked, my cap'tain !


Behave yourselves

Wiley & Xard777,

Its time for both of you to grow up, gentlemen !!

Sincere regards.


Exard you PM'd me after I announced I would leave... you followed me... where you made everything public in the past, when challenged to drop all, and given free reign, and having the chance to quit while you dominated... you then pusued in private... and in my childish challenged mind... your genuine thanks to me privately, appear more like your clever way of spitting on someone rather than a real thanks... I think everyone here should think about, what it is like to receive a thankyou like this for their volunteer work... anywhwere... and if you like this thankyou... I hope you get one just like it sometime. I was thinking of the old saying "Let he who greatest among you be servant to all"... and I do believe Exard owes something here for his dominion... If not, if the community becomes poorer on his account, and if this continues, then eventually people will question his dominion.

Skin... I hope you invest yourself in technical contributions here, and not just stirring the pot... I never saw you contribute anything here... so what are you doing now for the communty??? Joining ranks with who, for what? That is why I as the primary contributor here, that spent much time dealing with imaginary problems created by someone here, and a person who would take my copyrighted work as their own, and violate copyrights, well... skin... you invested nothing of the sort here... maybe you should have before weighing in, as if your opinion now mattered in such matters. Submit your copyrighted work.. have someone alter and repost it in any manner they want with your name, and property rights... and wade through their BS in the process. Skin, you should grow up.

Big Joe, I came here because I thought I caught sarcasm in how you restated the thanks I was receiving, and I just thought... cool, someone gets what's going here, and I thought it was worth acknowleging... but, then I find more BS, instead of anything worthwhile by others and the problem in person... but, you had always seemed positive here, and I appreciated that.

So, see you all around... I think it would be best to drop this for the benefit of all... and I tried many times... as the record shows... so those people suggesting that now... are pretty late in the game for that... it was suggested long ago by me.. I said please... and it still follows me unsolicited... so, when does it stop??? That was point in posting the PM... I have tried many times... in many ways... but like I said earlier, someone in their right mind has to choose to stop... I posted the PM because someone won't stop... they have crossed legal lines... and everything... and still won't stop.

Skin... do you really think stirring the pot makes it stop??? I think you are wrong. I think you encourage one side, or the other, or both to keep it up. I think you should take your own advice...

And this really is my only reply now to all... I have revealed I am not talking to myself... I am actively being harrassed... and made a decision about that earlier, and if anyone really has any thanks, they should simply accept and honor that, and ignore everything here from now on, and move on... just like I am.

Wiley & Xard777,

Its time for both of you to grow up, gentlemen !!

Sincere regards.

am i miss something interesting


"Great men are always of a nature originally melancholy"


Aristotle quote - Great men are always of a nature originally melancholy....


Simply Amazing...

A huge thank you to Wiley for all the hard work he has put in to this series of indicators and the follow up support
