RAS moderators announcement, reports and problems - page 13

hi newdigital, obviously a vendor cannot setup different systems for each possible pair suffix such as "s", "-fx", "_fx" as it would create so many systems.

Can you implement this variable in the RAS EA so buyers can choose their own suffix used by their brokers?



If vendor is trading with the broker with pair suffix such as "s", "-fx", "_fx" so those pairs are added as a aliases automatically as EURUSDm = EURUSD for example, or EURUSD_fx = EURUSD. It is how it works now.

Buyer can not. Vendor can.

The developers are creating next version with this suffixes (i reported about it already).


thanks, pls inform us when the new version is ready...


it will be on website as 1.20.


There is a simple way to deal with custom suffixes:

string _symbol=StringSubstr(Symbol(), 0, 6);

if pair is called EURUSD_some_suffix Result will be EURUSD.



hi there, any news on v1.20?

hi there, any news on v1.20?


hi there, any news on v1.20?

New 1.22 version is uploaded to RAS website now.


- clones bug fixed;

- partial closing bug fixed;

- "many buyers EAs in one copy of metatrader" bug fixed. Use as buyer_install_version = 1 for 1 buyer EA, buyer_install_version = 2 for second buyer EA and so on (on one copy of Metatrader).

- alert on/off was created as separated parameter (many members requested).


hi, does v1.22 allow buyers to get signals on EURUSD-fx even if vendor is setup as EURUSD?




I am not sure. I know that if seller is using "-fx" so this "-fx" is automatically added to aliases list and buyers do not have any problem.

I know about "m" was fixed, "." (dot) was fixed, may be "p" was fixed as well.

I am not sure about "-fx".

I will ask the developers now.


Yes -fx.

Pls look at my posts above to which you have already replied. You said v1.20 would solve the -fx problem.

I hope it has been fixed otherwise I keep paying the subscription but I cannot go live.
