RAS moderators announcement, reports and problems - page 79

There are some vendors ...

Without mentioning names ... as required ...

RAS team is promoting the signals in good way: by sending email message to all 200,000 members of the forum about the best RAS signals, using social networks. Besides - I am having 1 thread on the forum posting the same, I am making some posts on my personal blog here on tsd and on social networks opened under my real name.

There are some vendors who are very good promoted.

There are having many subscribers because of that.

Can you imagine: you are the vendor and RAS support sent email message to many people that your signal is the best? You will have many subscribers.

There are some vendors who never said 'thanks' for that. They understand it as "you guys - it's your business doing". Your business, my business, they business ... but they definitely like to receive more subscribers

There are some situation when some signal lost 2,000 dollars. It is the forex so nothing strange in it.

There are some top vendors who are having many subscribers. Because RAS support team promoted them hardly as the best RAS signals.

Now - the situation.

Just imagine that next promotional email message was send that some signal is the best. Good for vendor, right? He will have more subscribers. It is very good. And after that this signal lost 2,000 dollars in same day with email message sent. Yes, just a situation ... promoted as the best (by email messages to all the members of the forum) and immediate after that - lost 2,000 on this Friday.

So, what the vendors usually can do in this situation?

Simple case: go to RAS support and ask:

"guy, I know that you promoted my signal and I have many subscribers. Thanks a lot. But after that - this signal lost. Let's synchronize the opinion and the action. I know that you will receive many angry messages in support about "why did you consider it as the best?" so let's co-operate, collaborate. Because it is the business. And any business has the following meaning: do something together."

Well. Let's complicate the situation.

Same case, Friday, email messages were sent, signal lost 2,000.

Saturday morning. I am making the statements in elite section and I am not replying/moderating during the Saturday and half of Sunday. The other moderator is moderating the forum, next moderator is on american local timezone sleeping.

What the programmers/marketing department should do in this situation?

Well. What they know? They know that: email message were sent to 200,000 about the best signal, the signal lost 2,000 dollars with many subscribers, new people will subscribe and complain, moderators are not available, and it is necessary to make the decision in very quickly way (to save newbies). So, they disabled the link to this signal. On Saturday morning. To be fixed/discuss everything on Monday morning with moderators.

It was right decision in this situation? yes, it is fully right.

Why email messages were not send about the link?

Because which email message can be sent to subscribers or to 200,000 members of the forum? "This signal was promoted as the best but it is not because it lost 2,000 dollars after that so - be carefully guy?"

This email message?

In this case - the vendor will not have subscribers anymore.

It was weekend ... and Monday is fixing day so - nothing to send.

Sunday and Monday.

Just some subscribers came to support, no one unsubscribed, moderators replied and "it will be fixed". So, it was not the situaion.

Of course, it was fixed on Monday (yesterday).


Asked something? helped? some actions synchronizing?

Not. Nothing. Asked "where is my link"

And attacked me hardly on RAS support during the whole day yesterday by himself and using his friend. It is 7 pages in support ....

Not the subscribers. Vendor and his friend.

One message I received today in the morning when woke up (link was fixed yesterday)

Seems - they are not sleeping


If the vendors want to make their business separatedly from RAS support and marketing team - do it somewhere outside. I personally as a moderator - I will not support the vendors who will not want to co-operate and collaborate with RAS team.

How to collaborate or co-operate?

Post on the forum, go to support with your problems, with your suggestions, say that "everything is fine - my signal is doing good", make the suggestions about promotion and so on.

Especially - if your signal was promoted as the best and after that you lost 2,000 with many subscribers - so it is fully necessary to collaborate in this kind of situation.


So, please, understand this my post as some promotional post about some idea.

That's all news.

You've got your responsilbilty and the vendors responsibility completely wrong IMO (not that you care about your customers opinions as you have made it perfectly clear in our email exchange that you do things your own way and do not care if your customers do not like what how you do things).

I will set the situation above you are describing clearer, as your post is not that clear.

1. You send out your promotional emails on Friday with top subscribers etc etc.

2. One vendor on that list lost some money and thus would have no longer been in the top list for the week if you'd waited until end of trading on Friday to undertake the calculations.

3. You pull the link to the vendor once you realise that it would look bad on yourselves promoting a signal as the best for the week when they weren't.

4. You seem to think that people will merely subscribe just by reading you email alone without looking at the vendors results and stats etc...another reason why you pull the link

5. you do not communicate that the link has been taken down and why to the vendor or his current subscribers (which I am one) - ignoring the fact that subscribers use that page to check current trades, pending trades and closed trades as the RAS software is not reliable enough to just leave it by itself.

Your post above is not clear why you did not send an email to current subscribers, comunicating with your current customers is paramount in any service based business and sending an email should have been the obvious automatic thing to do...but I still do not know why this was not done, depsite various email exchanges and the post above.

6. You insist that the vendor should have contacted you to point out that they lost some money and that you should remove them from the email list as in the to weekly subscribers.

In my opnion, the marketing and promoting of subscribers is an RAS responsibility, if you cannot wait until end of Friday to calculate your own stats then that is your own responsibility, the vendor is not being dishonest by not contacting you as they have no responsibility to you...thats if they read the actual email as I for one do not as it contains nothing of substance.

The vendor has an obligation to its paying customers which is its subscribers and earns income through his own results (I would point out that the vendor commuinicated regularly with his subscribers) RAS obviously takes a cut of this income and chooses to promote its service and signals as it sees fits. Your own short falls caused this error not the vendor and you need to take responsibility for this. Why does the vendor need to thank you, you should be thanking the vendor as without profitable vendors you have no service?! You promote signals in your own interest to boost the income to RAS

The vendor is under no obligation to contact you even if they had read the email as they dont know how you calculate stats and how your promotional material works. There is no documentation as to the vendors duties to RAS etc. and please do not insult our intelligence that by pulling the link you saved lots of people subscribing...no intelligent investor will invest in a signal based on your email, anyone that merely subscribes because an email tells him a vendor is one of the best performing without performing their own due diligence is just plain stupid and will lose money whatever they invest in.

This whole situation was cuased by shortfalls in RAS, both in terms of your own internal communication channels and your calculation of stats.

You accuse the vendor and his friend of attacking you through the support yesterday. I am a subscriber and not the vendor (something that you accused me of being yesterday) and thus presume as we had various email exchanges yesterday I am the 'friend'. Please feel free to expand on these allegations publicly, you made various slanderous comments and allegations in our email exchange so please explain in what way were you verbally attacked.

I emailed you yesterday to obtain answers to why the link was pulled and more importantly why no communication was made to subscribers about this. I never got an clear answer to these posts and all I got was various email ramblings accusing people of being dishonest and criminal, you did not listen to anything I said and stated that you do things your own way and if we dont like it you dont care and that you are right and everyone else that says anything against you (i.e. most of your customers that email you or post on this forum many posts that you do not listen to) are wrong and that you need to protect your reputation.

So since you have decided to post publicly that you were verbally attacked, please provide evidence of this allegation. I do not take accusations lightly.

Perhaps we can set up a new thread and I can post ALL of our email exchange from yesterday so we can assess how you were verbally attacked

...The vendor is under no obligation to contact you ...

The vendors should contact with moderators. Because it is only the way to make the business with RAS within this RAS concept as 'everyone can be the vendor and can trade what they want in the way he can and stop when he want'

...I am a subscriber and not the vendor.

Total lies. You are not subscriber. You are the vendor:

I banned you for 1 month.

because the game you started "fishing around" is similar with street fighting and it can not be acceptable here.

vendor_1.jpg  22 kb
I am trying to cooperate as much as possible and trying to suggest reasonable things. I am ok with ranking, but it needs some fine tuning in order to put losers to the end of the list. If the balance graph goes down it should not be possible for such vendor to get ranked near the top just because he had one lucky week. Otherwise the ranking sounds ok. Thanks! I am looking forward to new autotrading feature!

Hi deviator,

I made suggestion about improving the ranking and it was accepted (it was internal talking and I as moderator was in copy). It will be improved.

As to autotrading so yes - it can be good possibility for all the vendors (irrespective off: they like newdigital, or they do not like newdigital).

With all due respect...sending emails to 200,000 subscribers and selecting the best weekly vendor is "RAS responsibility" IMHO, RAS has to wait until the week is finished before sending promotional emails...there is no fault by the vendor..

Yes, I agree with you: any promotional emails and any selection should be done within the weekends when the market is closed.

All was asked to the support was to re-enable the link al least for the current subscribers...this was the problem...so simple!!

It was not simple sorry.

By the way - the situation was fixed on Monday (yesterday).

No email or alert has been sent to the current subscribers simply saying "hey the vendor has been suspended, this will be fixed on monday"....

Many subscribers came to RAS support and I replied that "it will be fixed soon" or "it will be fixed today". No one moderator will want to disclosed any situation in case of vendor's signal lost 2,000 dollars promoted to be the best for RAS. I think - you understand.

Subscribers pay their fee to RAS, not to vendors, so it's RAS responsibility to communicate with subscribers...

It is both sides responsibility: RAS and the vendors. And the vendors' responsibility to contact with RAS support. Because, I am sorry, just want to remind - the vendors are receiving the subscribers from RAS support. So, it is fully exotical situation that some people (RAS support and moderators) are working hard for vendors to receive more subscribers, but some vendors do not want to speak with support in any way ...

Vendors must do their business with RAS (moderators). Vendors should contact with moderators. Otherwise it is not a business sorry.


I can repeat:

Vendors should contact with moderators.


Otherwise it is some exotic situation as "I like money and I need more subscribers,. but I do not want to collaborate with the people who are delivering the subscribers for me ....". Moderators placed their personal reputation and their real names together with their past/receint background for RAS service and to support to the vendors.

So, please, contact with support.


No need to attack me as I am not angry for any vendor.

I just explained the simple rules which every vendor should follow.



How often is the "My Subscribers" list updated? Daily or more often?



Daily or more often.

We can see unexpired subscribers almost in real time.

I did not check the delay in this case but your list = my moderation list (my mod list is taken rom yours as well).


RAS EA and open trades


I have a question: when I (signal seller) have for example 10 trades open on my signal account and new subscriber starts receiving my signals then he only gets new trades from the moment he joins or RAS EA copies also all old trades on my signal account that were open before he joined my signals?

I believe he should be receiving only new trades after he joins, correct?



Yes, new trades only.

It should be as the new ...



I have discrepancies of RAS signals on my platform statements and active orders of seller.

But before go to details I would like to elaborate what time zone used in statements.

That is on seller side:

open date 2010-05-19 10:21:34 (GMT ?)

on my MT platform:

Time 2010.05.19 09:01:07 (Alpari server time? my PC time? GMT ?)



As far as I know - your Metatrader - it is your broker's server time (Alpari is on GMT +2 now for example), and RAS service - it is your settings: go to My Account - Edit Account - Locale settings.